Design and anatomy of GWCelery ============================== Processes --------- A complete deployment of GWCelery (whether launched from the :doc:`shell ` or from :doc:`HTCondor `) consists of several processes: 1. **Message Broker** Routes and distributes Celery task messages and stores results of tasks for later retrieval. See `Choosing a Broker`_ in the Celery manual for more details. For technical reasons, we use a Redis_ broker. 2. **Celery Beat** Scheduler for periodic tasks (the Celery equivalent of cron jobs). For more information, see `Periodic Tasks`_ in the Celery manual. 3. **Monitoring Console** (optional) You can optionally run Flower_, a web monitoring console for Celery. 4. **OpenMP Worker** A Celery worker that has been configured to accept only computationally intensive tasks that use OpenMP parallelism. To route a task to the OpenMP worker, pass the keyword argument ``queue='openmp'`` to the ``@app.task`` decorator when you declare it. There are two tasks that run in the OpenMP queue: * :meth:`gwcelery.tasks.bayestar.localize` * :meth:`gwcelery.tasks.skymaps.plot_volume` 5. **Superevent Worker** A Celery worker that is dedicated to serially process triggers from low latency pipelines and create/modify superevents in GraceDb. There is only one task that runs on the Superevent queue: * :meth:`gwcelery.tasks.superevents.handle` 6. **External Trigger Worker** A Celery worker that is dedicated to serially process external triggers from GRB alerts received from Fermi, Swift and neutrino alerts received from SNEWS and create/modify external trigger events in GraceDb: * :meth:`gwcelery.tasks.external_triggers.handle_gcn` 7. **General-Purpose Worker** A Celery worker that accepts all other tasks. Eternal tasks ------------- GWCelery has a couple long-running tasks that do not return because they have to keep open a persistent connection with some external service. These tasks are subclasses of :class:`celery_eternal.EternalTask` or :class:`celery_eternal.EternalProcessTask`. * :meth:`` * :meth:`gwcelery.tasks.lvalert.listen` Both of these run inside the general-purpose worker process described above, and are automatically started (and restarted as necessary) by Celery Beat. Handlers -------- A recurring pattern in GWCelery is that an eternal task listens continuously to a remote connection, receives packets of data over that connection, and dispatches further handling to other tasks based on packet type. A decorator is provided to register a function as a Celery task and also plug it in as a handler for one or more packet types. This pattern is used for both GCN notices and LVAlert message handlers. GCN notices ~~~~~~~~~~~ GCN notice handler tasks are declared using the :meth:`gwcelery.tasks.gcn.handler` decorator:: import lxml.etree from gwcelery.tasks import gcn @gcn.handler(gcn.NoticeType.FERMI_GBM_GND_POS, gcn.NoticeType.FERMI_GBM_FIN_POS) def handle_fermi(payload): root = lxml.etree.fromstring(payload) # do work here... LVAlert messages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LVAlert message handler tasks are declared using the :meth:`gwcelery.tasks.lvalert.handler` decorator:: from gwcelery.tasks import lvalert @lvalert.handler('cbc_gstlal', 'cbc_spiir', 'cbc_pycbc', 'cbc_mbtaonline') def handle_cbc(alert): # do work here... .. _`Choosing a Broker`: .. _Redis: .. _`Periodic Tasks`: .. _Flower: