
Like any Celery application, GWCelery’s configuration options are stored at run time in a global configuration object, conf. There are options for Celery itself such as options that affect the task and result backends; these options are documented in the Configuration and defaults section of the Celery manual.

The configuration object also holds all of the options that are specific to GWCelery and affect the behavior of individual GWCelery tasks; examples include the GraceDb and LVAlert service URLs, GCN hostnames, and frame file types and channel names. For a list of all GWCelery-specific options, see the API documentation for the gwcelery.conf module.

GWCelery provides four preset configurations, one for each GraceDb server instance (production, deployment, testing, or playground). The default configuration preset is for the playground server, The recommended way to select a different preset is to set the CELERY_CONFIG_MODULE environment variable before starting the workers. For example, to configure GWCelery for production:

$ export CELERY_CONFIG_MODULE=gwcelery.conf.production


There are a few files that must be present in order to provide authentication tokens for GraceDb and LValert.


You must provide valid LSC DataGrid credentials in order for requests to the GraceDb REST API to work. During development and testing, you can use your personal credentials obtained from the LSC DataGrid Client by running ligo-proxy-init. However, credentials obtained this way expire after a few days or whenever your machine’s temporary directory is wiped (e.g., at system restart).

For production deployment, you should obtain a robot certificate and store it in a location such as ~/.globus/userkey.pem and ~/.globus/usercert.pem.


You must provide a valid username and password for LVAlert. You can request an account using the LVAlert Account Activation form. The LVAlert username and password should be stored in your netrc file.