Source code for gwcelery.tasks.orchestrator

"""Tasks that comprise the alert orchestrator, which responsible for the
vetting and annotation workflow to produce preliminary, initial, and update
alerts for gravitational-wave event candidates."""
import json
import re
from urllib.error import URLError

from celery import chain, group
from import HTTPError

from ..import app
from . import bayestar
from . import circulars
from .core import identity, ordered_group
from . import detchar
from . import em_bright
from . import gcn
from . import gracedb
from . import lalinference
from . import lvalert
from . import skymaps
from . import p_astro_gstlal, p_astro_other

[docs]@lvalert.handler('superevent', 'mdc_superevent', shared=False) def handle_superevent(alert): """Schedule annotations for new superevents. After waiting for a time specified by the :obj:`~gwcelery.conf.orchestrator_timeout` configuration variable for the choice of preferred event to settle down, this task peforms data quality checks with :meth:`gwcelery.tasks.detchar.check_vectors` and calls :meth:`~gwcelery.tasks.orchestrator.preliminary_alert` to send a preliminary GCN notice. """ superevent_id = alert['uid'] if alert['alert_type'] == 'new': start = alert['object']['t_start'] end = alert['object']['t_end'] ( countdown=app.conf['orchestrator_timeout'] ) | gracedb.get_event.s() | group( detchar.check_vectors.s(superevent_id, start, end) | preliminary_alert.s(superevent_id), parameter_estimation.s(superevent_id) ) ).apply_async() # check DQV label on superevent, run check_vectors if required elif alert['alert_type'] == 'event_added': new_event_id = alert['data']['preferred_event'] start = alert['data']['t_start'] end = alert['data']['t_end'] if 'DQV' in gracedb.get_labels(superevent_id): ( detchar.check_vectors.s(new_event_id, superevent_id, start, end) |, new_event_id) ).apply_async() elif alert['alert_type'] == 'label_added': label_name = alert['data']['name'] if label_name == 'ADVOK': initial_alert(superevent_id) elif label_name == 'ADVNO': retraction_alert(superevent_id)
[docs]@lvalert.handler('cbc_gstlal', 'cbc_spiir', 'cbc_pycbc', 'cbc_mbtaonline', shared=False) def handle_cbc_event(alert): """Peform annotations for CBC events that depend on pipeline-specific matched-filter parameter estimates. Notes ----- This LVAlert message handler is triggered by updates that include the files ``psd.xml.gz`` and ``ranking_data.xml.gz``. The table below lists which files are created as a result, and which tasks generate them. ============================== ===================================================== File Task ============================== ===================================================== ``bayestar.fits`` :meth:`gwcelery.tasks.bayestar.localize` ``em_bright.json`` :meth:`gwcelery.tasks.em_bright.classifier` ``p_astro.json`` :meth:`gwcelery.tasks.p_astro_gstlal.compute_p_astro` ============================== ===================================================== """ # noqa: E501 graceid = alert['uid'] # em_bright and p_astro calculation if alert['alert_type'] == 'new': pipeline = alert['object']['pipeline'].lower() extra_attributes = alert['object']['extra_attributes'] snr = extra_attributes['CoincInspiral']['snr'] far = alert['object']['far'] mass1 = extra_attributes['SingleInspiral'][0]['mass1'] mass2 = extra_attributes['SingleInspiral'][0]['mass2'] # FIXME: GraceDb's JSON representations of LIGO-LW tables strips out # fields whose values are zero. We did not notice this before because # it's uncommon for most fields *except* spin to be zero. # See chi1 = extra_attributes['SingleInspiral'][0].get('spin1z', 0) chi2 = extra_attributes['SingleInspiral'][0].get('spin2z', 0) # em_bright task based on pipeline em_bright_task = em_bright.classifier_gstlal if pipeline == 'gstlal' \ else em_bright.classifier_other (, mass2, chi1, chi2, snr), graceid) | gracedb.upload.s( 'em_bright.json', graceid, 'em bright complete', ['em_bright', 'public'] ) |'EMBRIGHT_READY', graceid) ).delay() # p_astro calculation for other pipelines if pipeline != 'gstlal' or alert['object']['search'] == 'MDC': ( p_astro_other.compute_p_astro.s(snr, far, mass1, mass2) | gracedb.upload.s( 'p_astro.json', graceid, 'p_astro computation complete', ['p_astro', 'public'] ) |'PASTRO_READY', graceid) ).delay() if alert['alert_type'] != 'log': return filename = alert['data']['filename'] if filename == 'psd.xml.gz': ( ordered_group('coinc.xml', graceid),'psd.xml.gz', graceid) ) | bayestar.localize.s(graceid) | gracedb.upload.s( 'bayestar.fits', graceid, 'sky localization complete', ['sky_loc', 'public'] ) |'SKYMAP_READY', graceid) ).delay() elif filename == 'ranking_data.xml.gz': ( ordered_group('coinc.xml', graceid),'ranking_data.xml.gz', graceid) ) | p_astro_gstlal.compute_p_astro.s() | gracedb.upload.s( 'p_astro.json', graceid, 'p_astro computation complete', ['p_astro', 'public'] ) |'PASTRO_READY', graceid) ).delay()
[docs]@app.task(autoretry_for=(HTTPError, URLError, TimeoutError), default_retry_delay=20.0, retry_backoff=True, retry_kwargs=dict(max_retries=500), shared=False) def _download(*args, **kwargs): """Download a file from GraceDb. This works just like :func:``, except that it is retried for both :class:`TimeoutError` and :class:`~urllib.error.URLError`. In particular, it will be retried for 404 (not found) errors.""" return*args, **kwargs)
[docs]@app.task(shared=False, ignore_result=True) def _update_if_dqok(superevent_id, event_id): """Update `preferred_event` of `superevent_id` to `event_id` if `DQOK` label has been applied """ if 'DQOK' in gracedb.get_labels(superevent_id): gracedb.update_superevent(superevent_id, preferred_event=event_id) gracedb.create_log( "DQOK applied based on new event %s" % (event_id), superevent_id)
[docs]@gracedb.task(shared=False) def _get_preferred_event(superevent_id): """Determine preferred event for a superevent by querying GraceDb. This works just like :func:`gwcelery.tasks.gracedb.get_superevent`, except that it returns only the preferred event, and not the entire GraceDb JSON response.""" return gracedb.get_superevent(superevent_id)['preferred_event']
[docs]@gracedb.task(shared=False) def _create_voevent(classification, *args, **kwargs): r"""Create a VOEvent record from an EM bright JSON file. Parameters ---------- classification : tuple, None A collection of JSON strings, generated by :meth:`gwcelery.tasks.em_bright.classifier` and :meth:`gwcelery.tasks.p_astro_gstlal.compute_p_astro` respectively; or None \*args Additional positional arguments passed to :meth:`gwcelery.tasks.gracedb.create_voevent`. \*\*kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to :meth:`gwcelery.tasks.gracedb.create_voevent`. Returns ------- str The filename of the newly created VOEvent. """ kwargs = dict(kwargs) if classification is not None: # Merge source classification and source properties into kwargs. for text in classification: kwargs.update(json.loads(text)) # FIXME: These keys have differ between em_bright.json # and the GraceDb REST API. try: kwargs['ProbHasNS'] = kwargs.pop('HasNS') except KeyError: pass try: kwargs['ProbHasRemnant'] = kwargs.pop('HasRemnant') except KeyError: pass skymap_filename = kwargs.get('skymap_filename') if skymap_filename is not None: skymap_type = re.sub(r'\.fits(\..+)?$', '', skymap_filename) kwargs.setdefault('skymap_type', skymap_type) return gracedb.create_voevent(*args, **kwargs)
def _get_number_of_instruments(gracedb_id): """Get the number of gravitational-wave instruments that contributed to the ranking statistic of a coincident event. Parameters ---------- gracedb_id : str The GraceDB ID. Returns ------- int The number of instruments that contributed to the ranking statistic for the event. Notes ----- The number of instruments that contributed *data* to an event is given by the ``instruments`` key of the GraceDB event JSON structure. However, some pipelines (e.g. gstlal) have a distinction between which instruments contributed *data* and which were considered in the *ranking* of the candidate. For such pipelines, we infer which pipelines contributed to the ranking by counting only the SingleInspiral records for which the chi squared field is non-empty. """ event = gracedb.get_event(gracedb_id) attrib = event['extra_attributes'] try: singles = attrib['SingleInspiral'] except KeyError: return len(event.get('instruments', '').split(',')) else: return sum(single.get('chisq') is not None for single in singles)
[docs]@app.task(ignore_result=True, shared=False) def preliminary_alert(event, superevent_id): """Produce a preliminary alert by copying any sky maps. This consists of the following steps: 1. Copy any sky maps and source classification from the preferred event to the superevent. 2. Create standard annotations for sky maps including all-sky plots by calling :meth:`gwcelery.tasks.skymaps.annotate_fits`. 3. Create a preliminary VOEvent. 4. Send the VOEvent to GCN. 5. Apply the GCN_PRELIM_SENT label to the superevent. 6. Create and upload a GCN Circular draft. """ preferred_event_id = event['graceid'] if event['group'] == 'CBC': skymap_filename = 'bayestar.fits' elif event['pipeline'] == 'CWB': skymap_filename = 'cWB.fits.gz' elif event['pipeline'] == 'oLIB': skymap_filename = 'oLIB.fits.gz' else: skymap_filename = None original_skymap_filename = skymap_filename if skymap_filename.endswith('.fits'): skymap_filename += '.gz' # Determine if the event should be made public. trials_factor = \ app.conf['preliminary_alert_trials_factor'][event['group'].lower()] far_threshold = \ app.conf['preliminary_alert_far_threshold'][event['group'].lower()] should_publish = ( not event['offline'] and trials_factor * event['far'] <= far_threshold and {'DQV', 'INJ'}.isdisjoint(gracedb.get_labels(superevent_id)) # FIXME: For now, we do not issue public alerts for single-detecetor # events. Remove this after we have gotten some more experience with # single-instrument events. and _get_number_of_instruments(preferred_event_id) != 1 # FIXME: For now, disable automated alerts except for cWB and gstlal. # Remove this after oLIB, MBTA, PyCBC, and SPIIR have completed review. and event['pipeline'].lower() in {'cwb', 'gstlal'}) if should_publish: canvas = gracedb.expose.s(superevent_id) else: canvas = chain() # If there is a sky map, then copy it to the superevent and create plots. if skymap_filename is not None: canvas |= (, preferred_event_id) | group( gracedb.upload.s( original_skymap_filename, superevent_id, message='Localization copied from {}'.format( preferred_event_id), tags=['sky_loc', 'public'] ) |, superevent_id) | skymaps.flatten.s(skymap_filename) | gracedb.upload.s( skymap_filename, superevent_id, message='Flattened from multiresolution file {}'.format( original_skymap_filename), tags=['sky_loc', 'public'] ) |'SKYMAP_READY', superevent_id), ) ) (, superevent_id) | skymaps.annotate_fits( original_skymap_filename, superevent_id, ['sky_loc', 'public'] ) ).apply_async() # If this is a CBC event, then copy the EM bright classification. if event['group'] == 'CBC': canvas |= group('em_bright.json', preferred_event_id) | gracedb.upload.s( 'em_bright.json', superevent_id, message='Source properties copied from {}'.format( preferred_event_id), tags=['em_bright', 'public'] ) |'EMBRIGHT_READY', superevent_id) |'em_bright.json', superevent_id),'p_astro.json', preferred_event_id) | gracedb.upload.s( 'p_astro.json', superevent_id, message='Source classification copied from {}'.format( preferred_event_id), tags=['p_astro', 'public'] ) |'PASTRO_READY', superevent_id) |'p_astro.json', superevent_id) ) | identity.s() # FIXME: necessary to pass result to next task? else: canvas |= # Send GCN notice and upload GCN circular draft for online events. if should_publish: # apply ADVREQ, compose preliminary GCN and send canvas |= ( _create_voevent.s( superevent_id, 'preliminary', skymap_filename=skymap_filename, internal=False, open_alert=True ) | group('ADVREQ', superevent_id), | gcn.send.s() |'GCN_PRELIM_SENT', superevent_id), gracedb.create_tag.s('public', superevent_id), | gracedb.upload.s( 'preliminary-circular.txt', superevent_id, 'Template for preliminary GCN Circular', tags=['em_follow'] ) ) ) canvas.apply_async()
[docs]@app.task(ignore_result=True, shared=False) def parameter_estimation(event, superevent_id): """Tasks for Parameter Estimation Followup with LALInference This consists of the following steps: 1. Upload an ini file which is suitable for the target event. 2. Start Parameter Estimation if FAR is smaller than the PE threshold. """ preferred_event_id = event['graceid'] # FIXME: it will be better to start parameter estimation for 'burst' # events. if event['group'] == 'CBC' and event['search'] != 'MDC': canvas = lalinference.pre_pe_tasks(event, superevent_id) next_task = gracedb.upload.s( filename=lalinference.ini_name, graceid=superevent_id, message='Automatically generated LALInference ' + 'configuration file for this event.', tags='pe' ) if event['far'] <= app.conf['pe_threshold']: next_task = group( next_task, lalinference.start_pe.s(preferred_event_id, superevent_id) ) else: next_task |= filecontents=None, filename=None, graceid=superevent_id, message='FAR is larger than the PE threshold, ' '{} Hz. Parameter Estimation will not ' 'start.'.format(app.conf['pe_threshold']), tags='pe' ) canvas |= next_task canvas.apply_async()
[docs]@app.task(ignore_result=True, shared=False) def initial_or_update_alert(superevent_id, alert_type, skymap_filename=None, em_bright_filename=None, p_astro_filename=None): """ Create and send initial or update GCN notice. Parameters ---------- superevent_id : str The superevent ID. alert_type : {'initial', 'update'} The alert type. skymap_filename : str, optional The sky map to send. If None, then most recent public sky map is used. em_bright_filename : str, optional The source classification file to use. If None, then most recent one is used. p_astro_filename : str, optional The p_astro file to use. If None, then most recent one is used. """ skymap_needed = (skymap_filename is None) em_bright_needed = (em_bright_filename is None) p_astro_needed = (p_astro_filename is None) if skymap_needed or em_bright_needed or p_astro_needed: for message in gracedb.get_log(superevent_id): t = message['tag_names'] f = message['filename'] if not f: continue if skymap_needed \ and {'sky_loc', 'public'}.issubset(t) \ and (f.endswith('.fits') or f.endswith('.fits.gz')): skymap_filename = f if em_bright_needed \ and 'em_bright' in t \ and f.endswith('.json'): em_bright_filename = f if p_astro_needed \ and 'p_astro' in t \ and f.endswith('.json'): p_astro_filename = f ( gracedb.expose.s(superevent_id) | ordered_group(, superevent_id),, superevent_id) ) | # FIXME: random single task group here is needed for last group to run # Check Celery issues on GitHub about this group( _create_voevent.s( superevent_id, alert_type, skymap_filename=skymap_filename, internal=False, open_alert=True, vetted=True ) | group( | gcn.send.s(), | gracedb.upload.s( '{}-circular.txt'.format(alert_type), superevent_id, 'Template for {} GCN Circular'.format(alert_type), tags=['em_follow'] ), gracedb.create_tag.s('public', superevent_id) ) ) ).apply_async()
[docs]@app.task(ignore_result=True, shared=False) def initial_alert(superevent_id, skymap_filename=None, em_bright_filename=None, p_astro_filename=None): """Produce an initial alert. This does nothing more than call :meth:`~gwcelery.tasks.orchestrator.initial_or_update_alert` with ``alert_type='initial'``. Parameters ---------- superevent_id : str The superevent ID. skymap_filename : str, optional The sky map to send. If None, then most recent public sky map is used. em_bright_filename : str, optional The source classification file to use. If None, then most recent one is used. p_astro_filename : str, optional The p_astro file to use. If None, then most recent one is used. """ initial_or_update_alert(superevent_id, 'initial', skymap_filename, em_bright_filename, p_astro_filename)
[docs]@app.task(ignore_result=True, shared=False) def update_alert(superevent_id, skymap_filename=None, em_bright_filename=None, p_astro_filename=None): """Produce an update alert. This does nothing more than call :meth:`~gwcelery.tasks.orchestrator.initial_or_update_alert` with ``alert_type='update'``. Parameters ---------- superevent_id : str The superevent ID. skymap_filename : str, optional The sky map to send. If None, then most recent public sky map is used. em_bright_filename : str, optional The source classification file to use. If None, then most recent one is used. p_astro_filename : str, optional The p_astro file to use. If None, then most recent one is used. """ initial_or_update_alert(superevent_id, 'update', skymap_filename, em_bright_filename, p_astro_filename)
[docs]@app.task(ignore_result=True, shared=False) def retraction_alert(superevent_id): """Produce a retraction alert. This is currently just a stub and does nothing more than create and send a VOEvent.""" ( gracedb.expose.s(superevent_id) | None, superevent_id, 'retraction', internal=False, open_alert=True, vetted=True ) | group( | gcn.send.s(), | gracedb.upload.s( 'retraction-circular.txt', superevent_id, 'Template for retraction GCN Circular', tags=['em_follow'] ), gracedb.create_tag.s('public', superevent_id) ) ).apply_async()