Changelog ========= 0.4.1 (2019-04-02) ------------------ - Fixed normalization issues with; normalization was being applied in the wrong places during Bayes factor computation. - Require celery < 4.3.0 because that version breaks the nagios unit tests. - Update false alarm rate trials factors for preliminary alerts. - Enable sending GCN notices for fully automated preliminary alerts. - Add threshold_snr option in online_pe.jinja2, which is used to determine the upper limit of distance prior. - Use the same criteria to decide whether to expose an event publicly in GraceDB as we use to decide whether to issue a public alert. - Do not issue public alerts for single-instrument GW events. - Disable automated preliminary alerts for all pipelines but gstlal and cWB due to outstanding review items for the other pipelines. 0.4.0 (2019-03-29) ------------------ - This is the penultimate release before LIGO/Virgo observing run 3 (O3). - Make detchar results easier to read by formatting as HTML table. - Allow iDQ to label DQV onto events based on p(glitch). Adjustable by pipeline. - Move functions in tasks/ to in lalsuite. - Take into account calibration errors in automatic Parameter Estimation. - Do not use margphi option for automatic Parameter Estimation with ROQ waveform since that option is not compatible with ROQ likelihood. - Adjust WSGI middleware configuration to adapt to a change in Werkzeug 0.15.0 that broke redirects on form submission in the Flask app. See - Use the new ``ligo.lw`` module for reading gstlal's ``ranking_data.psd.xml.gz`` files, because these files are now written using the new LIGO-LW format that uses integer row IDs. - Use clean data for parameter estimation. - Use production accounting group for PE runs on gracedb events. - Change threshold from log-likelihood equals 6 to a dynamic threshold that ensures that all gstlal events uploaded to gracedb get assigned a P_astro value. 0.3.1 (2019-03-18) ------------------ - Fix a bug in translating keys from ``source_classification.json`` to keyword arguments for ``GraceDb.createVOEvent`` that caused VOEvents to be missing the ``HasNS`` and ``HasRemnant`` fields. - FAR threshold for sending preliminary notices for CBC is changed to 1 per 2 months. - Upload log files when LALInference parameter estimation jobs fail or are aborted. - Changed the filename ``source_classification.json`` to ``em_bright.json``. - Change condor log directory from /var/tmp to ~/.cache/condor since gwcelery workers have separate /var/tmp when they are running as condor jobs and that causes problems when gwcelery tries to read log files. - Limit the maximum version of gwpy to 0.14.0 in order to work around a unit test failure that started with gwpy 0.14.1. See - Upload a diff whenever a LIGO/Virgo VOEvent that we receive from GCN does not match the original that we sent. - Wait for low-latency or high-latency frame files being transferred to the cluster before parameter estimation starts. 0.3.0 (2019-03-01) ------------------ - Fixed exponent in the expression of foreground count in p_astro_other task. - Run the sky map postprocessing and add the ``PE_READY`` tag when LALInference finishes. - Include ``EM_COINC`` triggered circulars to upload to the superevent page. - p-astro reads mean values from a file on CIT, new mass-gap category added. Removed redundant functions from p_astro_gstlal module. - Continuous deployment on the Caltech cluster now uses a robot keytab and ``gsissh`` instead of SSH keys and vanilla ``ssh`` because the new SSH key management does not support scripted access. - Improve the isolation between the production and playground instances of GWCelery by deploying them under two separate user accounts on the Caltech cluster. - Add functionality for em_bright task to query ``emfollow/data`` for trained machine learning classifier and report probabilities based on it. 0.2.6 (2019-02-12) ------------------ - Report an environment tag to Sentry corresponding to the GWCelery configuration module (``production``, ``test``, ``playground``, or ``development``) in order to differentiate log messages from different deployments. - The ``gwcelery condor`` command now identifies jobs that it owns by matching both the job batch name and the working directory. This makes it possible to run multiple isolated instances of GWCelery under HTCondor on the same cluster in different working directories. - Change the conditions for starting parameter estimation. For every CBC superevent, create an ``online_pe.ini`` file suitable for starting LALInference. However, only start LALInference if the false alarm rate is less than once per 2 weeks. - Determine PSD segment length for LALInference automatically based on data availability and data quality. - Add a Flask-based web interface for manually triggering certain tasks such as sending updated GCN notices. 0.2.5 (2019-02-01) ------------------ - Pass along the GWCelery version number to Sentry. - Upload stdout and stderr when dag creation fails and notifications when submitted job fails in Parameter Estimation - Allow detchar module's ``create_cache`` to use gwdatafind when frames are no longer in llhoft. - The Nagios monitoring plugin will now report on the status of LVAlert subscriptions. - Change trials factor to 5 for both CBC and Burst categories. CBC includes the 4 CBC pipelines. Burst includes the 4 searches performed in total by the 2 Burst pipelines. An additional external coincidence search. - Automatically set up PE ini file depending on source parameters reported by detection pipelines. 0.2.4 (2018-12-17) ------------------ - Fix broken links in log messages due to changes in GraceDb URL routes. - Whenever we send a public VOEvent using GCN, also make the corresponding VOEvent file in GraceDb public. - Don't include Mollweide projection PNG file in VOEvents. The sky map visualizations take longer to generate than the FITS files themselves, so they were unnecessarily slowing down the preliminary alerts. - Preliminary GCN FAR threshold is modified to be group (CBC, Burst, Test) specific. 0.2.3 (2018-12-16) ------------------ - Update frame type used in LALInference Parameter Estimation. - Handle cases where ``p_astro_gstlal.compute_p_astro`` returns NaNs by falling back to ``p_astro_other.compute_p_astro``. - Fix a bug that prevented annotations that are specific to 3D sky maps from being performed for multi-resolution FITS files. - Fetch the graceid for the new event added from the gracedb logs since superevent packet does not provide information as to which event is added in case of type event_added. 0.2.2 (2018-12-14) ------------------ - Add error handling for nonexistent iDQ frames in detchar module. 0.2.1 (2018-12-14) ------------------ - Update detchar module configuration for ER13. 0.2.0 (2018-12-14) ------------------ - This is the release of GWCelery for ER13. - Run two separate instances of Comet, one to act as a broker and one to act as a client. This breaks a cycle that would cause retransmission of GRB notices back to GCN. - Fix a race condition that could cause preliminary alerts to be sent out for events for which data quality checks had failed. - Unpin the ``redis`` package version because recent updates to Kombu and Billiard seem to have fixed the Nagios unit tests. - Start the Comet VOEvent broker as a subprocess intead of using ``multiprocessing`` and go back to using PyGCN instead of Comet as the VOEvent client. This is a workaround for suspected instability due to a bad interaction between ``redis-py`` and ``multiprocessing``. - Reset Matplotlib's style before running ``ligo-skymap-plot`` and ``ligo-skymap-plot-volume``. There is some other module (probably in LALSuite) that is messing with the rcparams at module scope, which was causing Mollweide plots to come out with unusual aspect ratios. - Run ``check_vectors`` upon addition of an event to a superevent if the superevent already has an ``DQV`` label. - Do not check the DMT-DQ_VECTOR for pipelines which use gated h(t). - Remove static example VOEvents from the Open Alert Users Guide. We never used them because activating sample alerts got help until ER13. - Disable running the Orchestrator for test events for ER13. After ER13 is over, we need to carefully audit the code and make sure that test events are handled appropriately. - Enable public GraceDb entries and public GCNs for mock (MDC) events. For **real** events in ER13, disable public preliminary GCNs. Instead, advocate signoffs will trigger making events and GCN notices public: ``ADVOK`` for initial notices and ``ADVNO`` for retraction notices. - Include source classification output (BNS/NSBH/BBH/Terrestrial) in GCN Notices. 0.1.7 (2018-11-27) ------------------ - Pin the ``redis`` package version at <3 because the latest version of redis breaks the Nagios unit tests. - Ditch our own homebrew VOEvent broker and use Comet instead. - In addition to traditional flat, fixed-nside sky maps, BAYESTAR will now also upload an experimental multiresolution format described in `LIGO-G1800186-v4 `_. 0.1.6 (2018-11-14) ------------------ - Update URL for static example event. 0.1.5 (2018-11-13) ------------------ - Add tasks for submitting HTCondor DAGs. - Add a new module, ``gwcelery.tasks.lalinference``, which provides tasks to start parameter estimation with LALInference and upload the results to GraceDB. - Depend on lalsuite nightly build from 2018-11-04 to pick up changes to LALInference for Python 3 support. - Send static example VOEvents from the Open Alert Users Guide. This will provide a stream of example alerts for astronomers until GraceDb is ready for public access. - Add trials factor correction to the event FAR when comparing against FAR threshold to send out preliminary GCN. - Require that LIGO/Virgo VOEvents that we receive from GCN match the original VOEvents from GraceDb byte-for-byte, since GCN will now pass through our VOEvents without modification. 0.1.4 (2018-10-29) ------------------ - Work around a bug in astropy.visualization.wcsaxes that affected all-sky plots when Matplotlib's ``text.usetex`` rcparam is set to ``True`` ( This bug has evidently been present since at least astropy 1.3, but was not being triggered until recently: it is likely that some other package that we import (e.g. lalsuite) is now globally setting ``text.usetex`` to ``True``. - A try except is added around updateSuperevent to handle a bad request error from server side when updating superevent parameters which have nearby values. - Send automatic preliminary alerts only for events with a false alarm rate below a maximum value specified by a new configuration variable, ``preliminary_alert_far_threshold``. - State vector vetoes will not suppress processing of preliminary sky maps and source classification. They will still suppress sending preliminary alerts. - Set ``open_alert`` to ``True`` for all automated VOEvents. 0.1.3 (2018-10-26) ------------------ - Preliminary GCN is not sent for superevents created from offline gw events. - Add ``dqr_json`` function to ``gwcelery.tasks.detchar``, which uploads a DQR-compatible json to GraceDb with the results of the detchar checks. - Depend on ligo.skymap >= 0.0.17. - Fix a bug in sending initial, update, and retraction GCN notices: we were sending the VOEvent filenames instead of the file contents. 0.1.2 (2018-10-11) ------------------ - Setted ``vetted`` flag to true for all initial, update, and retraction alerts that are triggered by GraceDb signoffs. - Write GraceDb signoffs, instead of just labels, to simulate initial and retraction alerts for mock events, because merely creating the ``ADVNO`` or ``ADVOK`` label does not cause GraceDb to erase the ``ADVREQ`` label. This change makes mock alerts more realistic. - Change filename of cWB sky maps from ``skyprobcc_cWB.fits`` to ``cWB.fits.gz`` for consistency with other pipelines. - Any time that we send a VOEvent, first change the GraceDb permissions on the corresponding superevent so that it is visible to the public. Note that this has no effect during the ongoing software engineering runs because LVEM and unauthenticated access are currently disabled in GraceDb. 0.1.1 (2018-10-04) ------------------ - Use the ``public`` tag instead of the ``lvem`` tag to mark preliminary sky maps for public access rather than LV-EM partner access. Note that GraceDb has not yet actually implemented unauthenticated access, so this should have no effect during our ongoing software engineering runs. - Add ``check_idq`` function to detchar module, which reads probabilities generated by iDQ. - Automated ``DQV`` labels should not trigger retraction notices because they prevent preliminary notices from being sent in the first place. - The criterion for selecting a superevent's preferred event now prefers multiple-detector events to single-detector events, with precedence over source type (CBC versus burst). Any remaining tie is broken by using SNR for CBC and FAR for Burst triggers. - By default, initial and update alerts will find and send the most recently added public sky map. - The initial and update sky maps no longer perform sky map annotations, because they would only be duplicating the annotations performed as part of the preliminary alert. - Mock events now include example initial and retraction notices. Two minutes after each mock event is uploaded, there will be either an ``ADVOK`` or an ``ADVNO`` label applied at random, triggering either an initial or a retraction notice respectively. - Depend on ligo-gracedb >= 2.0.1 in order to pull in a bug fix for VOEvents with ProbHasNS or ProbHasRemnant set to 0.0. - Use the ``sentry-sdk`` package instead of the deprecated ``raven`` package for Sentry integration. 0.1.0 (2018-09-26) ------------------ - Separated the external GCN listening handlers into two: one that listens to GCNs about SNEWS triggers and another that listens to Fermi and Swift. - Fixed calls to the raven temporal coincidence search so that search results separate SNEWS triggers from Fermi and Swift. - Add space-time FAR calculation for GRB and GW superevent coincidences. This only runs when skymaps from both triggers are available to download. - Add human vetting for initial GCN notices. For each new superevent that passes state vector checks, the ``ADVREQ`` label is applied. Rapid response team users should set their GraceDb notification preferences to alert them on ``ADVREQ`` labels. If a user sets the ``ADVOK`` label, then an initial notice is issued. If a user sets the ``ADVNO`` label, then a retraction notice is issued. - Update the LVAlert host for - Add experimental integration with `Sentry `_ for log aggregation and error reporting. - Track API and LVAlert schema changes in ligo-gracedb 2.0.0. 0.0.31 (2018-09-04) ------------------- - Refactor external trigger handling to separate it from the orchestrator. - Fixed a bug in the VOEvent broker to only issue "iamalive" messages after sending the first VOEvent. - Pass group argument to set time windows appropriately when performing raven coincidence searches. Search in the [-600, 60]s range and [-5, 1]s range around external triggers for Burst events and CBC events respectively. Similarly, search in the [-60, 600]s and [-1, 5]s range around Burst and CBC events for external triggers. - Compute and upload FAR for GRB external trigger/superevent coincidence upon receipt of the EM_COINC label application to a superevent. - Add continuous integration testing for Python 3.7, and run test suite against all supported Python versions (3.6, 3.7). - Update ligo.skymap to 0.0.15. 0.0.30 (2018-08-02) ------------------- - Manage superevents for production, test, and MDC events separately. - Add some more validation of LIGO/Virgo VOEvents from GCN. - Remove now-unused task ``gwcelery.tasks.orchestartor.continue_if``. - Add ``check_vectors`` run for external triggers. - Change the preferred event selection criteria for burst events to be FAR instead of SNR. - Add ``gwcelery nagios`` subcommand for Nagios monitoring. - Incorporate Virgo DQ veto streams into ``check_vectors`` - Update ligo-raven to 1.3 and ligo-followup-advocate to 0.0.11. 0.0.29 (2018-07-31) ------------------- - Add a workflow graph to superevents module documentation. - Add ``gwcelery condor resubmit`` as a shortcut for ``gwcelery condor rm; gwcelery condor submit``. - Fix deprecation warning due to renaming of ```` to ````. - Update ligo-gracedb to 2.0.0.dev1. 0.0.28 (2018-07-25) ------------------- - Add injection checks to ``check_vector``. - Bitmasks are now defined symbolically in ``detchar``. - Refactor configuration so that it is possible to customize settings through an environment variable. 0.0.27 (2018-07-22) ------------------- - The preferred event for superevents is now decided based on higher SNR value instead of lower FAR in the case of a tie between groups. - A check for the existence of the gstlal trigger database is performed so that compute_p_astro does not return None. 0.0.26 (2018-07-20) ------------------- - Fix spelling of the label that is applied to events after p_astro finishes, changed from ``P_ASTRO_READY`` to ``PASTRO_READY``. - Run p_astro calculation for mock events. - Overhaul preliminary alert pipeline so that it is mostly feature complete for both CBC and Burst events, and uses a common code path for both types. Sky map annotations now occur for both CBC and Burst localizations. - Switch to using the pre-registered port 8096 for receiving proprietary LIGO/Virgo alerts on This means that the capability to receive GCNs requires setting up a site configuration in advance with Scott Barthelmey. Once we switch to sending public alerts exclusively, then we can switch back to using port 8099 for anonymous access, requiring no prior site configuration. 0.0.25 (2018-07-19) ------------------- - Reintroduce pipeline-dependent pre/post peeks for ``check_vector`` after fixing issue where pipeline information was being looked for in the wrong dictionary. - ``check_vector`` checks all detectors regardless of instruments used, but only appends labels based on active instruments. - Fix a few issues in the GCN broker: * Decrease the frequency of keepalive ("iamalive" in VOEvent Transport Protocol parlance) packets from once a second to once a minute at the request of Scott Barthelmey. * Fix a possible race condition that might have caused queued VOEvents to be thrown away unsent shortly after a scheduled keepalive packet. * Consume and ignore all keepalive and ack packets from the client so that the receive buffer does not overrun. - Add ``p_astro`` computation for ``gstlal`` pipeline. The copmutation is launched for all cbc_gstlal triggers. 0.0.24 (2018-07-18) ------------------- - Revert pipeline-dependent pre/post peeks for ``check_vector`` because they introduced a regression: it caused the orchestrator failed without running any annotations. 0.0.23 (2018-07-18) ------------------- - Add timeout and keepalive messages to GCN broker. - Update ligo-gracedb to 2.0.0.dev0 and ligo.skymap to 0.0.12. - Add superevent duration for gstlal-spiir pipeline. - Fix fallback for determining superevent duration for unknown pipelines. - Make ``check_vector`` pre/post peeks pipeline dependent. 0.0.22 (2018-07-11) ------------------- - Process gstlal-spiir events. - Create combined LVC-Fermi skymap in case of coincident triggers and upload to GraceDb superevent page. Also upload the original external trigger sky map to the external trigger GraceDb page. - Generalize conditional processing of complex canvases by replacing the ``continue_if_group_is()`` task with a more general task that can be used like ``continue_if(group='CBC')``. - Add a ``check_vector_prepost`` configuration variable to control how much padding is added around an event for querying the state vector time series. This should have the beneficial side effect of fixing some crashes for burst events, for which the bare duration of the superevent segment was less than one sample. 0.0.21 (2018-07-10) ------------------- - MBTA events in GraceDb leave the ``search`` field blank. Work around this in ``gwcelery.tasks.detchar.check_vectors`` where we expected the field to be present. - Track change in GraceDb JSON response for VOEvent creation. 0.0.20 (2018-07-09) ------------------- - After fixing some minor bugs in code that had not yet been tested live, sending VOEvents to GCN now works. 0.0.19 (2018-07-09) ------------------- - Rewrite the GCN broker so that it does not require a dedicated worker. - Send VOEvents for preliminary alerts to GCN. - Only perform state vector checks for detectors that were online, according to the preferred event. - Exclude mock data challenge events from state vector checks. 0.0.18 (2018-07-06) ------------------- - Add detector state vector checks to the preliminary alert workflow. 0.0.17 (2018-07-05) ------------------- - Undo accidental configuration change in last version. 0.0.16 (2018-07-05) ------------------- - Stop listening for three unnecessary GCN notice types: ``SWIFT_BAT_ALARM_LONG``, ``SWIFT_BAT_ALARM_SHORT``, and ``SWIFT_BAT_KNOWN_SRC``. - Switch to `SleekXMPP `_ for the LVAlert client, instead of `PyXMPP2 `_. Because SleekXMPP has first-class support for publish-subscribe, the LVAlert listener can now automatically subscribe to all LVAlert nodes for which our code has handlers. Most of the client code now lives in a new external package, `sleek-lvalert `_. 0.0.15 (2018-06-29) ------------------- - Change superevent threshold and mock event rate to once per hour. - Add ``gracedb.create_label`` task. - Always upload external triggers to the 'External' group. - Add rudimentary burst event workflow to orchestrator: it just generates VOEvents and circulars. - Create a label in GraceDb whenever ``em_bright`` or ``bayestar`` completes. 0.0.14 (2018-06-28) ------------------- - Fix typo that was causing a task to fail. - Decrease orchestrator timeout to 15 seconds. 0.0.13 (2018-06-28) ------------------- - Change FAR threshold for creation of superevents to 1 per day. - Update ligo-followup-advocate to >= 0.0.10. Re-enable automatic generation of GCN circulars. - Add "EM bright" classification. This is rudimentary and based only on the point mass estimates from the search pipeline because some of the EM bright classifier's dependencies are not yet ready for Python 3. - Added logic to select CBC events as preferred event over Burst. FAR acts as tie breaker when groups for preferred event and new event match. - BAYESTAR now adds GraceDb URLs of events to FITS headers. 0.0.12 (2018-06-28) ------------------- - Prevent receiving duplicate copies of LVAlert messages by unregistering redundant LVAlert message types. - Update to ligo-followup-advocate >= 0.0.9 to update GCN Circular text for superevents. Unfortunately, circulars are still disabled due to a regression in ligo-gracedb (see - Upload BAYESTAR sky maps and annotations to superevents. - Create (but do not send) preliminary VOEvents for all superevents. No vetting is performed yet. 0.0.11 (2018-06-27) ------------------- - Submit handler tasks to Celery as a single group. - Retry GraceDb tasks that raise a ``TimeoutError`` exception. - The superevent handler now skips LVAlert messages that do not affect the false alarm rate of an event (e.g. simple log messages). (Note that the false alarm rate in GraceDb is set by the initial event upload and can be updated by replacing the event; however replacing the event does not produce an LVAlert message at all, so there is no way to intercept it.) - Added a query kwarg to superevents method to reduce latency in fetching the superevents from gracedb. - Refactored getting event information for update type events so that gracedb is polled only once to get the information needed for superevent manager. - Renamed the ``set_preferred_event`` task in to ``update_superevent`` to be a full wrapper around the ``updateSuperevent`` client function. Now it can be used to set preferred event and also update superevent time windows. - Many ``cwb`` (extra) attributes, which should be floating point numbers, are present in lvalert packet as strings. Casting them to avoid embarassing TypeErrors. - Reverted back the typecasting of far, gpstime into float. This is fixed in - CBC ``t_start`` and ``t_end`` values are changed to 1 sec interval. - Added ligo-raven to run on external trigger and superevent creation lvalerts to search for coincidences. In case of coincidence, EM_COINC label is applied to the superevent and external trigger page and the external trigger is added to the list of em_events in superevent object dictionary. - ``cwb`` and ``lib`` nodes added to superevent handler. - Events are treated as finite segment window, initial superevent creation with preferred event window. Addition of events to superevents may change the superevent window and also the preferred event. - Change default GraceDb server to for open public alert challenge. - Update to ligo-gracedb >= 1.29dev1. - Rename the ``get_superevent`` task to ``get_superevents`` and add a new ``get_superevent`` task that is a trivial wrapper around ````. 0.0.10 (2018-06-13) ------------------- - Model the time extent of events and superevents using the ``glue.segments`` module. - Replace GraceDb.get with GraceDb.superevents from the recent dev release of gracedb-client. - Fix possible false positive matches between GCNs for unrelated GRBs by matching on both TrigID (which is generally the mission elapsed time) and mission name. - Add the configuration variable ``superevent_far_threshold`` to limit the maximum false alarm rate of events that are included in superevents. - LVAlert handlers are now passed the actual alert data structure rather than the JSON text, so handlers are no longer responsible for calling ``json.loads``. It is a little bit more convenient and possibly also faster for Celery to deserialize the alert messages. - Introduce ``Production``, ``Development``, ``Test``, and ``Playground`` application configuration objects in order to facilitate quickly switching between GraceDb servers. - Pipeline specific start and end times for superevent segments. These values are controlled via configuration variables. 0.0.9 (2018-06-06) ------------------ - Add missing LVAlert message types to superevent handler. 0.0.8 (2018-06-06) ------------------ - Add some logging to the GCN and LVAlert dispatch code in order to diagnose missed messages. 0.0.7 (2018-05-31) ------------------ - Ingest Swift, Fermi, and SNEWS GCN notices and save them in GraceDb. - Depend on the pre-release version of the GraceDb client, ligo-gracedb 1.29.dev0, because this is the only version that supports superevents at the moment. 0.0.6 (2018-05-26) ------------------ - Generate GCN Circular drafts using `ligo-followup-advocate `_. - In the continuous integration pipeline, validate PEP8 naming conventions using `pep8-naming `_. - Add instructions for measuring test coverage and running the linter locally to the contributing guide. - Rename ``gwcelery.tasks.voevent`` to ``gwcelery.tasks.gcn`` to make it clear that this submodule contains functionality related to GCN notices, rather than VOEvents in general. - Rename ``gwcelery.tasks.dispatch`` to ``gwcelery.tasks.orchestrator`` to make it clear that this module encapsulates the behavior associated with the "orchestrator" in the O3 low-latency design document. - Mock up calls to BAYESTAR in test suite to speed it up. - Unify dispatch of LVAlert and GCN messages using decorators. GCN notice handlers are declared like this:: import lxml.etree from gwcelery.tasks import gcn @gcn.handler(gcn.NoticeType.FERMI_GBM_GND_POS, gcn.NoticeType.FERMI_GBM_FIN_POS) def handle_fermi(payload): root = lxml.etree.fromstring(payload) # do work here... LVAlert message handlers are declared like this:: import json from gwcelery.tasks import lvalert @lvalert.handler('cbc_gstlal', 'cbc_pycbc', 'cbc_mbta') def handle_cbc(alert_content): alert = json.loads(alert_content) # do work here... - Instead of carrying around the GraceDb service URL in tasks, store the GraceDb host name in the Celery application config. - Create superevents by simple clustering in time. Currently this is only supported by the ``gracedb-dev1`` host. 0.0.5 (2018-05-08) ------------------ - Disable socket access during most unit tests. This adds some extra assurance that we don't accidentally interact with production servers during the unit tests. - Ignore BAYESTAR jobs that raise a ``DetectorDisabled`` error. These exceptions are used for control flow and do not constitute a real error. Ignoring these jobs avoids polluting logs and the Flower monitor. 0.0.4 (2018-04-28) ------------------ - FITS history and comment entries are now displayed in a monospaced font. - Adjust error reporting for some tasks. - Depend on newer version of ``ligo.skymap``. - Add unit tests for the ``gwcelery condor submit`` subcommand. 0.0.3 (2018-04-27) ------------------ - Fix some compatibility issues between the ``gwcelery condor submit`` subcommand and the format of ``condor_q -totals -xml`` with older versions of HTCondor. 0.0.2 (2018-04-27) ------------------ - Add ``gwcelery condor submit`` and related subcommands as shortcuts for managing GWCelery running under HTCondor. 0.0.1 (2018-04-27) ------------------ - This is the initial release. It provides rapid sky localization with BAYESTAR, sky map annotation, and sending mock alerts. - By default, GWCelery is configured to listen to the test LVAlert server. - Sending VOEvents to GCN/TAN is disabled for now.