.. highlight:: shell-session Quick start =========== These instructions are suitable for installing GWCelery for development and testing on any machine. To install ---------- GWCelery requires Python >= 3.6. The easiest way to install it is with ``venv`` and ``pip``:: $ python -m venv --system-site-packages ~/gwcelery $ source ~/gwcelery/bin/activate $ pip install gwcelery .. hint:: **Note:** GWCelery requires a fairly new version of `setuptools`. If you get an error message that looks like this:: pkg_resources.VersionConflict: (setuptools 0.9.8 (/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages), Requirement.parse('setuptools>=30.3.0')) then run ``pip install --upgrade setuptools`` and try again. To test ------- With ``setup.py``:: $ python setup.py test To start -------- Before starting GWCelery, you need to authenticate for access to GraceDB and LVAlert and make sure that you have a Redis server running. Once you have completed those steps, you can start each of the GWCelery manually. Authentication ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To authenticate for GraceDB, obtain grid credentials from the `LSC DataGrid Client`_ by running ``ligo-proxy-init``:: $ ligo-proxy-init albert.einstein To authenticate for LVAlert, first complete the `LVAlert Account Activation`_ form once for each LVAlert server that you intend to use (generally you only need "Playground" for development purposes). Make a note of the passwords and store them in your ~/.netrc file with appropriate file permissions:: $ echo > ~/.netrc $ chmod 0600 ~/.netrc $ echo machine lvalert.cgca.uwm.edu login albert.einstein password password-for-production >> ~/.netrc $ echo machine lvalert-playground.cgca.uwm.edu login albert.einstein password password-for-playground >> ~/.netrc $ echo machine lvalert-test.cgca.uwm.edu login albert.einstein password password-for-test >> ~/.netrc .. _`LSC DataGrid Client`: https://www.lsc-group.phys.uwm.edu/lscdatagrid/doc/installclient.html .. _`LVAlert Account Activation`: https://www.lsc-group.phys.uwm.edu/cgi-bin/jabber-acct.cgi Redis ~~~~~ GWCelery requires a `Redis`_ database server for task bookkeeping. Your operating system's package manager may be able to install, configure, and automatically launch a suitable Redis server for you. .. rubric:: Debian, Ubuntu, ``apt`` Debian or Ubuntu users can install and start Redis using ``apt-get``:: $ sudo apt-get install redis .. rubric:: macOS, `MacPorts`_ Mac users with MacPorts can install Redis using ``port install``:: $ sudo port install redis Use ``port load`` to start the server:: $ sudo port load redis .. rubric:: From source If none of the above options are available, then you can follow the `Redis Quick Start`_ instructions to build redis from source and start a server:: $ wget http://download.redis.io/redis-stable.tar.gz $ tar xvzf redis-stable.tar.gz $ cd redis-stable $ make -j $ src/redis-server Start GWCelery components manually ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GWCelery itself consists of five :ref:`Celery workers ` and one `Flask`_ web application. Start them all by running each of the following commands:: $ gwcelery worker -l info -n gwcelery-worker -Q celery -B $ gwcelery worker -l info -n gwcelery-exttrig-worker -Q exttrig -c 1 $ gwcelery worker -l info -n gwcelery-openmp-worker -Q openmp -c 1 $ gwcelery worker -l info -n gwcelery-superevent-worker -Q superevent -c 1 $ gwcelery worker -l info -n gwcelery-voevent-worker -Q voevent -P solo $ gwcelery flask run .. hint:: With these arguments, each of the commands above will run until you type Control-C. You may want to run each of them in a separate terminal, or in the background using `screen`_ or `nohup`_. .. _`redis`: https://redis.io .. _`MacPorts`: https://www.macports.org .. _`Redis Quick Start`: https://redis.io/topics/quickstart .. _`Flask`: http://flask.pocoo.org .. _`screen`: https://linux.die.net/man/1/screen .. _`nohup`: https://linux.die.net/man/1/nohup