Quick start

These instructions are suitable for installing GWCelery for development and testing on any machine.

To install

GWCelery requires Python >= 3.6.

The easiest way to install it is with venv and pip:

$ python -m venv --system-site-packages ~/gwcelery
$ source ~/gwcelery/bin/activate
$ pip install gwcelery


Note: GWCelery requires a fairly new version of setuptools. If you get an error message that looks like this:

pkg_resources.VersionConflict: (setuptools 0.9.8

then run pip install --upgrade setuptools and try again.

To test

With setup.py:

$ python setup.py test

To start

Before starting GWCelery, you need to authenticate for access to GraceDB and LVAlert and make sure that you have a Redis server running. Once you have completed those steps, you can start each of the GWCelery manually.


To authenticate for GraceDB, obtain grid credentials from the LSC DataGrid Client by running ligo-proxy-init:

$ ligo-proxy-init albert.einstein

To authenticate for LVAlert, first complete the LVAlert Account Activation form once for each LVAlert server that you intend to use (generally you only need “Playground” for development purposes). Make a note of the passwords and store them in your ~/.netrc file with appropriate file permissions:

$ echo > ~/.netrc
$ chmod 0600 ~/.netrc
$ echo machine lvalert.cgca.uwm.edu login albert.einstein password password-for-production >> ~/.netrc
$ echo machine lvalert-playground.cgca.uwm.edu login albert.einstein password password-for-playground >> ~/.netrc
$ echo machine lvalert-test.cgca.uwm.edu login albert.einstein password password-for-test >> ~/.netrc


GWCelery requires a Redis database server for task bookkeeping. Your operating system’s package manager may be able to install, configure, and automatically launch a suitable Redis server for you.

Debian, Ubuntu, apt

Debian or Ubuntu users can install and start Redis using apt-get:

$ sudo apt-get install redis

macOS, MacPorts

Mac users with MacPorts can install Redis using port install:

$ sudo port install redis

Use port load to start the server:

$ sudo port load redis

From source

If none of the above options are available, then you can follow the Redis Quick Start instructions to build redis from source and start a server:

$ wget http://download.redis.io/redis-stable.tar.gz
$ tar xvzf redis-stable.tar.gz
$ cd redis-stable
$ make -j
$ src/redis-server

Start GWCelery components manually

GWCelery itself consists of five Celery workers and one Flask web application. Start them all by running each of the following commands:

$ gwcelery worker -l info -n gwcelery-worker -Q celery -B
$ gwcelery worker -l info -n gwcelery-exttrig-worker -Q exttrig -c 1
$ gwcelery worker -l info -n gwcelery-openmp-worker -Q openmp -c 1
$ gwcelery worker -l info -n gwcelery-superevent-worker -Q superevent -c 1
$ gwcelery worker -l info -n gwcelery-voevent-worker -Q voevent -P solo
$ gwcelery flask run


With these arguments, each of the commands above will run until you type Control-C. You may want to run each of them in a separate terminal, or in the background using screen or nohup.