Source code for gwcelery.tasks.gracedb

"""Communication with GraceDB."""
from http.client import HTTPException
import functools
from socket import gaierror
import re

from ligo.gracedb import rest
from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger

from ..import app
from ..util import PromiseProxy

client = PromiseProxy(rest.GraceDb,
                      ('https://' + app.conf.gracedb_host + '/api/',))

log = get_task_logger(__name__)

[docs]class RetryableHTTPError(rest.HTTPError): """Exception class for server-side HTTP errors that we should retry."""
[docs]def catch_retryable_http_errors(f): """Decorator to capture server-side errors that we should retry. We retry HTTP status 502 (Bad Gateway), 503 (Service Unavailable), and 504 (Gateway Timeout). """ @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except rest.HTTPError as e: if e.status in {429, 502, 503, 504}: raise RetryableHTTPError(e.status, e.reason, e.message) else: raise return wrapper
[docs]def task(*args, **kwargs): return app.task(*args, **kwargs, autoretry_for=(gaierror, RetryableHTTPError, TimeoutError, HTTPException), default_retry_delay=20.0, retry_backoff=True, retry_kwargs=dict(max_retries=10))
versioned_filename_regex = re.compile( r'^(?P<filename>.*?)(?:,(?P<file_version>\d+))?$') def _parse_versioned_filename(versioned_filename): match = versioned_filename_regex.fullmatch(versioned_filename) filename = match['filename'] file_version = match['file_version'] if file_version is not None: file_version = int(file_version) return filename, file_version
[docs]@task(shared=False) @catch_retryable_http_errors def create_event(filecontents, search, pipeline, group): """Create an event in GraceDB.""" response = client.createEvent(group=group, pipeline=pipeline, filename='', search=search, filecontents=filecontents) return response.json()['graceid']
[docs]@task(ignore_result=True, shared=False) @catch_retryable_http_errors def create_label(label, graceid): """Create a label in GraceDB.""" try: with client.writeLabel(graceid, label): pass # Close without reading response; we only needed the status except rest.HTTPError as e: # If we got a 400 error because no change was made, then ignore # the exception and return successfully to preserve idempotency. if e.message != \ '"The fields superevent, label must make a unique set."': raise
[docs]@task(ignore_result=True, shared=False) @catch_retryable_http_errors def remove_label(label, graceid): """Create a label in GraceDB.""" try: with client.removeLabel(graceid, label): pass # Close without reading response; we only needed the status except rest.HTTPError as e: # If the label did not exist, then GraceDB will return a 404 error. # Don't treat this as a failure because we got what we wanted: for the # label to be removed. if e.status != 404: raise
[docs]@task(ignore_result=True, shared=False) @catch_retryable_http_errors def create_signoff(status, comment, signoff_type, graceid): """Create a label in GraceDB.""" with client.create_signoff(graceid, signoff_type, status, comment): pass # Close without reading response; we only needed the status
[docs]@task(ignore_result=True, shared=False) @catch_retryable_http_errors def create_tag(filename, tag, graceid): """Create a tag in GraceDB.""" filename, file_version = _parse_versioned_filename(filename) log = get_log(graceid) if file_version is None: *_, entry = (e for e in log if e['filename'] == filename) else: *_, entry = (e for e in log if e['filename'] == filename and e['file_version'] == file_version) log_number = entry['N'] try: with client.addTag(graceid, log_number, tag): pass # Close without reading response; we only needed the status except rest.HTTPError as e: # If we got a 400 error because no change was made, then ignore # the exception and return successfully to preserve idempotency. if e.message != '"Tag is already applied to this log message"': raise
[docs]@task(shared=False) @catch_retryable_http_errors def create_voevent(graceid, voevent_type, **kwargs): """Create a VOEvent. Returns ------- str The filename of the new VOEvent. """ response = client.createVOEvent(graceid, voevent_type, **kwargs).json() return response['filename']
[docs]@task(shared=False) @catch_retryable_http_errors def download(filename, graceid): """Download a file from GraceDB.""" return client.files(graceid, filename, raw=True).read()
[docs]@task(ignore_result=True, shared=False) @catch_retryable_http_errors def expose(graceid): """Expose an event to the public. Notes ----- If :obj:`~gwcelery.conf.expose_to_public` is False, then this because a no-op. """ if app.conf['expose_to_public']: with client.modify_permissions(graceid, 'expose'): pass # Close without reading response; we only needed the status
[docs]@task(shared=False) @catch_retryable_http_errors def get_events(*args, **kwargs): """Get events from GraceDB.""" return list(*args, **kwargs))
[docs]@task(shared=False) @catch_retryable_http_errors def get_event(graceid): """Retrieve an event from GraceDB.""" return client.event(graceid).json()
[docs]@task(shared=False) @catch_retryable_http_errors def get_labels(graceid): """Get all labels for an event in GraceDB.""" return {row['name'] for row in client.labels(graceid).json()['labels']}
[docs]@task(shared=False) @catch_retryable_http_errors def get_log(graceid): """Get all log messages for an event in GraceDB.""" return client.logs(graceid).json()['log']
[docs]@task(shared=False) @catch_retryable_http_errors def get_superevent(graceid): """Retrieve a superevent from GraceDB.""" return client.superevent(graceid).json()
[docs]@task(shared=False) @catch_retryable_http_errors def replace_event(graceid, payload): """Get an event from GraceDB.""" with client.replaceEvent(graceid, '', filecontents=payload): pass # Close without reading response; we only needed the status
[docs]@task(shared=False) @catch_retryable_http_errors def upload(filecontents, filename, graceid, message, tags=()): """Upload a file to GraceDB.""" result = client.writeLog( graceid, message, filename, filecontents, tags).json() return '{},{}'.format(result['filename'], result['file_version'])
[docs]@app.task(shared=False) @catch_retryable_http_errors def get_superevents(*args, **kwargs): """List matching superevents in gracedb. Parameters ---------- *args arguments passed to :meth:`GraceDb.superevents` **kwargs keyword arguments passed to :meth:`GraceDb.superevents` Returns ------- superevents : list The list of the superevents. """ return list(client.superevents(*args, **kwargs))
[docs]@task(ignore_result=True, shared=False) @catch_retryable_http_errors def update_superevent(superevent_id, t_start=None, t_end=None, t_0=None, preferred_event=None): """ Update superevent information. Wrapper around :meth:`updateSuperevent` Parameters ---------- superevent_id : str superevent uid t_start : float start of superevent time window, unchanged if None t_end : float end of superevent time window, unchanged if None t_0 : float superevent t_0, unchanged if None preferred_event : str uid of the preferred event, unchanged if None """ try: with client.updateSuperevent(superevent_id, t_start=t_start, t_end=t_end, t_0=t_0, preferred_event=preferred_event): pass # Close without reading response; we only needed the status except rest.HTTPError as e: # If we got a 400 error because no change was made, then ignore # the exception and return successfully to preserve idempotency. error_msg = '"Request would not modify the superevent"' if not (e.status == 400 and e.message == error_msg): raise
[docs]@task(ignore_result=True, shared=False) @catch_retryable_http_errors def create_superevent(graceid, t0, t_start, t_end, category): """Create new superevent in GraceDB with `graceid` Parameters ---------- graceid : str graceid with which superevent is created. t0 : float ``t_0`` parameter of superevent t_start : float ``t_start`` parameter of superevent t_end : float ``t_end`` parameter of superevent category : str superevent category """ try: with client.createSuperevent(t_start, t0, t_end, preferred_event=graceid, category=category): pass # Close without reading response; we only needed the status except rest.HTTPError as e: error_msg = 'is already assigned to a Superevent' if not (e.status == 400 and error_msg in e.message): raise
[docs]@task(ignore_result=True, shared=False) @catch_retryable_http_errors def add_event_to_superevent(superevent_id, graceid): """Add an event to a superevent in GraceDB.""" try: with client.addEventToSuperevent(superevent_id, graceid): pass # Close without reading response; we only needed the status except rest.HTTPError as e: error_msg = '"is already assigned to a Superevent"' if not (e.status == 400 and e.message == error_msg): raise