Source code for gwcelery.tasks.p_astro

"""Computation of ``p_astro`` by source category and utilities
related to ``p_astro.json`` source classification files.
See Kapadia et al (2019), arXiv:1903.06881, for details.
import io
import json

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pkg_resources

from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
from ligo import p_astro_computation as pastrocomp

from . import gracedb, lvalert
from .. import app

log = get_task_logger(__name__)

[docs]@app.task(shared=False) def compute_p_astro(snr, far, mass1, mass2, pipeline, instruments): """ Task to compute `p_astro` by source category. Parameters ---------- snr : float event's SNR far : float event's cfar mass1 : float event's mass1 mass2 : float event's mass2 instruments : set set of instruments that detected the event Returns ------- p_astros : str JSON dump of the p_astro by source category Example ------- >>> p_astros = json.loads(compute_p_astro(files)) >>> p_astros {'BNS': 0.999, 'BBH': 0.0, 'NSBH': 0.0, 'Terrestrial': 0.001} """ # Read mean values from file with open(pkg_resources.resource_filename( '', 'H1L1V1-mean_counts-1126051217-61603201.json')) as f: mean_values_dict = json.load(f) # Read thresholds on FAR and SNR from file with open(pkg_resources.resource_filename( '', 'H1L1V1-pipeline-far_snr-thresholds.json')) as f: thresholds_dict = json.load(f) # Read livetime corresponding to mean values from file with open(pkg_resources.resource_filename( '', 'p_astro_livetime.json')) as f: p_astro_livetime = json.load(f)['p_astro_livetime'] # Ensure SNR does not increase indefinitely beyond limiting FAR # for MBTA and PyCBC events snr_choice = pastrocomp.choose_snr(far, snr, pipeline, instruments, thresholds_dict) # Define constants to compute bayesfactors snr_star = 8.5 far_star = 1 / (30 * 86400) # Compute astrophysical bayesfactor for # GraceDB event fground = 3 * snr_star**3 / (snr_choice**4) bground = far / far_star astro_bayesfac = fground / bground # Update terrestrial count based on far threshold lam_0 = far_star * p_astro_livetime mean_values_dict["counts_Terrestrial"] = lam_0 # Compute categorical p_astro values p_astro_values = \ pastrocomp.evaluate_p_astro_from_bayesfac(astro_bayesfac, mean_values_dict, mass1, mass2) # Dump mean values in json file return json.dumps(p_astro_values)
def _format_prob(prob): if prob >= 1: return '100%' elif prob <= 0: return '0%' elif prob > 0.99: return '>99%' elif prob < 0.01: return '<1%' else: return '{}%'.format(int(np.round(100 * prob)))
[docs]@app.task(shared=False) def plot(contents): """Make a visualization of the source classification. Parameters ---------- contents : str, bytes The contents of the ``p_astro.json`` file. Returns ------- png : bytes The contents of a PNG file. Notes ----- The unusually small size of the plot (2.5 x 2 inches) is optimized for viewing in GraceDB's image display widget. Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from gwcelery.tasks import p_astro >>> contents = ''' ... {"Terrestrial": 0.001, "BNS": 0.65, "NSBH": 0.20, ... "MassGap": 0.10, "BBH": 0.059} ... ''' >>> p_astro.plot(contents) """ classification = json.loads(contents) outfile = io.BytesIO() probs, names = zip( *sorted(zip(classification.values(), classification.keys()))) with'seaborn-white'): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(2.5, 2)) ax.barh(names, probs) for i, prob in enumerate(probs): ax.annotate(_format_prob(prob), (0, i), (4, 0), textcoords='offset points', ha='left', va='center') ax.set_xlim(0, 1) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.tick_params(left=False) for side in ['top', 'bottom', 'right']: ax.spines[side].set_visible(False) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(outfile, format='png') return outfile.getvalue()
[docs]@lvalert.handler('superevent', 'mdc_superevent', shared=False) def handle(alert): """LVAlert handler to plot and upload a visualization of every ``p_astro.json`` that is added to a superevent.""" graceid = alert['uid'] filename = 'p_astro.json' if alert['alert_type'] == 'log' and alert['data']['filename'] == filename: (, graceid) | plot.s() | gracedb.upload.s( filename.replace('.json', '.png'), graceid, message=( 'Source classification visualization from ' '<a href="/api/superevents/{graceid}/files/{filename}">' '{filename}</a>').format( graceid=graceid, filename=filename), tags=['em_follow', 'p_astro', 'public'] ) ).delay()