gwcelery.tasks.external_skymaps module

Create and upload external sky maps.

gwcelery.tasks.external_skymaps.create_combined_skymap(se_id, ext_id)[source]

Creates and uploads the combined LVC-Fermi skymap.

This also uploads the external trigger skymap to the external trigger GraceDB page.


Get the skymap fits filename.

If not available, will try again 10 seconds later, then 20, then 40, etc. until up to 10 minutes after initial attempt.

(task)gwcelery.tasks.external_skymaps.combine_skymaps(skymap1filebytes, skymap2filebytes)[source]

This task combines the two input skymaps, in this case the external trigger skymap and the LVC skymap and writes to a temporary output file. It then returns the contents of the file as a byte array.


Returns the associated external trigger GraceDB ID.


Returns the HEASARC fits file link.

(task)gwcelery.tasks.external_skymaps.get_external_skymap(link, search)[source]

Download the Fermi sky map fits file and return the contents as a byte array. If GRB, will construct a HEASARC url, while if SubGRB, will use the link directly.

If not available, will try again 10 seconds later, then 20, then 40, etc. until up to 10 minutes after initial attempt.

(task)gwcelery.tasks.external_skymaps.get_upload_external_skymap(graceid, search, skymap_link=None)[source]

If a Fermi sky map is not uploaded yet, tries to download one and upload to external event. If sky map is not available, passes so that this can be re-run the next time an update GCN notice is received. If GRB, will construct a HEASARC url, while if SubGRB, will use the link directly.

gwcelery.tasks.external_skymaps.create_external_skymap(ra, dec, error, pipeline, notice_type=111)[source]

Create a sky map, either a gaussian or a single pixel sky map, given an RA, dec, and error radius.

If from Fermi, convolves the sky map with both a core and tail Gaussian and then sums these to account for systematic effects as measured in doi:10.1088/0067-0049/216/2/32

If from Swift, converts the error radius from that containing 90% of the credible region to ~68% (see description of Swift error here:

  • ra (float) – right ascension in deg

  • dec (float) – declination in deg

  • error (float) – error radius in deg


skymap – sky map array

Return type

numpy array

gwcelery.tasks.external_skymaps.write_to_fits(skymap, event, notice_type, notice_date)[source]

Write external sky map fits file, populating the header with relevant info.

  • skymap (numpy array) – sky map array

  • event (dict) – Dictionary of Swift external event


skymap fits – bytes array of sky map

Return type

bytes array

(task)gwcelery.tasks.external_skymaps.create_upload_external_skymap(event, notice_type, notice_date)[source]

Create and upload external sky map using RA, dec, and error radius information.


event (dict) – Dictionary of Swift external event