gwcelery.igwn_alert module

Embed a Comet LVAlert listener into a Celery worker by extending Celery with bootsteps.


Register the LVAlert subsystem in the application boot steps.

gwcelery.igwn_alert.bootsteps module

class gwcelery.igwn_alert.bootsteps.Receiver(consumer, igwn_alert=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: IGWNAlertBootStep

Run the global IGWN alert receiver in background thread.

name = 'IGWN Alert client'

gwcelery.igwn_alert.signals module

Definitions of custom Celery signals related to IGWN alerts.

These signals allow us to keep the IGWN alert broker code decoupled from any GCN-specific logic. Notably, it allows us to keep all of the details of the GCN-specific “Notice Type” concept out of gwcelery.voevent.

gwcelery.igwn_alert.signals.igwn_alert_received = <Signal: igwn_alert_received providing_args={'topic', 'payload'}>

Fired whenever a IGWN alert is received.

  • topic (str) – The igwn alert topic

  • payload (dict) – Alert dictionary