Sample Code =========== This section provides Python sample code for receiving and interacting with :term:`GCN Notices `. GCN Notices are available over several different protocols and in several different formats. LIGO/Virgo recommends using the VOEvent Transport Protocol (:term:`VTP`) to receive notices in :term:`VOEvent` XML format because it is anonymous, configuration-free, and easy to parse. .. warning:: The VOEvent XML alerts are official data products of LIGO/Virgo. GCN produces `several other legacy formats`_ from them, in particular a text-based "full format" and binary format. LIGO/Virgo performs only limited quality control of the legacy formats. This tutorial will walk you through writing a Python script to receive and process the example LIGO/Virgo GCN notices that are sent every hour. The tutorial is broken into the following subsections: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 prerequisites receiving skymaps multiorder_skymaps observability 3d .. _`several other formats`: .. _`several other distribution methods`: .. _`GCN's anonymous VOEvent brokers`: