Receiving GCNs ============== Next, we'll write a GCN handler function that we want PyGCN to call every time it receives a GCN notice. We :term:`decorate ` the handler with ``@gcn.handlers.include_notice_types`` to specify that we only want to process certain GCN notice types (``LVC_PRELIMINARY``, ``LVC_INITIAL``, and ``LVC_UDPATE``). Events come in two very general flavors: 'CBC' or compact binary coalescence candidates detected by matched filtering, and generic 'Burst' candidates detected by model-independent methods. Your handler can take different actions based on this. The example below will handle only 'CBC' events. .. important:: Note that mock or 'test' observations are denoted by the ``role="test"`` VOEvent attribute. Alerts resulting from real LIGO/Virgo science data will always have ``role="observation"``. The sample code below will respond **only** to 'test' events. When preparing for actual observations, you **must remember to switch to 'observation' events**. .. note:: Observe in the example below that we do not have to explicitly download the FITS file because the :func:`hp.read_map() ` function works with either URLs or filenames. However, you could download and save the FITS file in order to save it locally using :func:``, :func:`requests.get`, :func:`urllib.request.urlopen`, or even curl_. The following basic handler function will parse out the URL of the FITS file, download it, and extract the probability sky map:: # Function to call every time a GCN is received. # Run only for notices of type # LVC_PRELIMINARY, LVC_INITIAL, or LVC_UPDATE. @gcn.handlers.include_notice_types( gcn.notice_types.LVC_PRELIMINARY, gcn.notice_types.LVC_INITIAL, gcn.notice_types.LVC_UPDATE) def process_gcn(payload, root): # Respond only to 'test' events. # VERY IMPORTANT! Replace with the following code # to respond to only real 'observation' events. # if root.attrib['role'] != 'observation': # return if root.attrib['role'] != 'test': return # Read all of the VOEvent parameters from the "What" section. params = {elem.attrib['name']: elem.attrib['value'] for elem in root.iterfind('.//Param')} # Respond only to 'CBC' events. Change 'CBC' to "Burst' # to respond to only unmodeled burst events. if params['Group'] != 'CBC': return # Print all parameters. for key, value in params.items(): print(key, '=', value) # Read the HEALPix sky map and the FITS header. skymap, header = hp.read_map(params['skymap_fits'], h=True, verbose=False) header = dict(header) # Print some values from the FITS header. print('Distance =', header['DISTMEAN'], '+/-', header['DISTSTD']) Listen for GCNs --------------- Now, we will start the VOEvent client to listen for GCNs using the ``gcn.listen`` function. By default, this will connect to the anonymous, public GCN server. You just need to tell ``gcn.listen`` what function to call whenever it receives an GCN; in this example, that is the ``process_gcn`` handler that we defined above. :: # Listen for GCNs until the program is interrupted # (killed or interrupted with control-C). gcn.listen(handler=process_gcn) When you run this script, you should receive a sample LIGO/Virgo GCN Notice every hour. .. note:: ``gcn.listen`` will try to automatically reconnect if the network connection is ever broken. For each sample notice, you should see output that looks like this:: internal = 0 Packet_Type = 150 Pkt_Ser_Num = 1 GraceID = MS181101abc AlertType = Preliminary Retraction = false HardwareInj = 0 Vetted = 0 OpenAlert = 1 EventPage = Instruments = H1,L1 FAR = 9.11069936486e-14 Group = CBC Pipeline = gstlal Search = MDC skymap_fits = skymap_png = BNS = 0.95 NSBH = 0.01 BBH = 0.03 Noise = 0.01 HasNS = 0.95 HasRemnant = 0.91 Distance = 141.1453950128411 +/- 39.09548411497191 Offline Testing --------------- Sometimes it is convenient to be able to explicitly call the GCN handler with a sample input, rather than waiting for the next broadcast of a sample alert. You can download the `example GCN notices <../content.html#examples>`_ from this documentation and pass it into your GCN handler at any time. First, download the sample GCN notice using curl:: curl -O Then you can manually invoke your GCN handler using this Python code:: import lxml.etree payload = open('MS181101abc-1-Preliminary.xml', 'rb').read() root = lxml.etree.fromstring(payload) process_gcn(payload, root) .. _curl: