Additional Tools ================ The :doc:`ligo.skymap ` package includes a number of advanced tools for working with GW probability sky maps. * Publication-quality astronomical mapmaking built on Astropy (:mod:`ligo.skymap.plot.allsky`) .. image:: :alt: A figure made with ligo.skymap.plot.allsky * Functions for manipulating distance posteriors (:mod:`ligo.skymap.distance`) * Probabilistic airmass plots (:doc:`ligo-skymap-plot-airmass `) .. image:: :alt: A probabilistic airmass plot. * The rapid localization code :doc:`BAYESTAR `, which is used to produce the initial sky maps for CBC events but can also be used to created :doc:`simulated localizations `. * The postprocessing tool that creates updated sky maps from MCMC samples (:doc:`ligo-skymap-from-samples `)