gwcelery.tasks.external_triggers module

This module listens to the GCN notices from SNEWS and the Fermi, Swift, and INTEGRAL missions, as well as Kafka alerts from Fermi and Swift. It is also responsible for carrying out tasks related to external trigger-gravitational wave coincidences, including looking for temporal coincidences, creating combined GRB-GW sky localization probability maps, and computing their joint temporal and spatio-temporal false alarm rates.

There are two GCN, one Kafka, and two IGWN Alert message handlers in the gwcelery.tasks.external_triggers module:

Flow charts

GCN VOEvent Ingestion

digraph exttrig { compound = true nodesep = 0.1 ranksep = 0.1 node [ fillcolor = white shape = box style = filled target = "_top" ] graph [ labeljust = "left" style = filled target = "_top" ] SNEWS_GCN [ style="rounded" label="SNEWS GCN recieved" ] GRB_GCN [ style="rounded" label="GRB\nGCN recieved" ] subgraph cluster_gcn_handle { href = "../gwcelery.tasks.external_triggers.html#gwcelery.tasks.external_triggers.handle_grb_gcn" label = <<B><FONT face="monospace">handle_gcn</FONT></B>> Ignore_gcn [ label="Ignore" ] Likely_noise [ shape=diamond label="Is the event\nlikely non-astrophysical?" ] Event_exists_in_Gracedb [ shape=diamond label="Does the event already\nexist in GraceDB" ] Update_existing_event_in_gracedb [ label="Update the existing\nevent in GraceDB" ] Create_new_event_in_gracedb [ label="Create a new event\nin GraceDB" ] Grab_create_skymap [ label="Grab and/or\ncreate external sky map" ] Launch_detchar_tasks [ label="Launch detector\ncharacterization checks\naround data" ] } SNEWS_GCN -> Likely_noise [ lhead = cluster_gcn_handle ] GRB_GCN -> Likely_noise [ lhead = cluster_gcn_handle ] Likely_noise -> Event_exists_in_Gracedb[label="no"] Likely_noise -> Ignore_gcn[label="yes"] Event_exists_in_Gracedb -> Update_existing_event_in_gracedb[label="yes"] Event_exists_in_Gracedb -> Create_new_event_in_gracedb[label="no"] Update_existing_event_in_gracedb -> Grab_create_skymap Create_new_event_in_gracedb -> Grab_create_skymap Create_new_event_in_gracedb -> Launch_detchar_tasks }

Kafka Alert Ingestion

digraph exttrig { compound = true nodesep = 0.1 ranksep = 0.1 node [ fillcolor = white shape = box style = filled target = "_top" ] graph [ labeljust = "left" style = filled target = "_top" ] KAFKA_FERMI [ style="rounded" label="Fermi Kafka\nalert recieved" ] KAFKA_SWIFT [ style="rounded" label="Swift Kafka\nalert recieved" ] subgraph cluster_kafka_handle { href = "../gwcelery.tasks.external_triggers.html#gwcelery.tasks.external_triggers.handle_targeted_kafka_alert" label = <<B><FONT face="monospace">handle_targeted_kafka_alert</FONT></B>> Ignore_gcn [ label="Mark with NOT_GRB label\nto prevent publication" ] Likely_noise [ shape=diamond label="Is the GRB FAR too high\nor a retraction notice?" ] Event_exists_in_Gracedb [ shape=diamond label="Does the superevent or\nexternal event already\nexist in GraceDB?" ] Update_existing_event_in_gracedb [ label="Update the existing\nevent in GraceDB" ] Create_new_event_in_gracedb [ label="Create a new event\nin GraceDB" ] Grab_create_skymap [ label="Use provided and/or\ncreate external sky map" ] Launch_detchar_tasks [ label="Launch detector\ncharacterization checks\naround data" ] } KAFKA_FERMI -> Likely_noise [ lhead = cluster_kafka_handle ] KAFKA_SWIFT -> Likely_noise [ lhead = cluster_kafka_handle ] Likely_noise -> Event_exists_in_Gracedb[label="no"] Likely_noise -> Ignore_gcn[label="yes"] Ignore_gcn -> Event_exists_in_Gracedb Event_exists_in_Gracedb -> Update_existing_event_in_gracedb[label="yes"] Event_exists_in_Gracedb -> Create_new_event_in_gracedb[label="no"] Update_existing_event_in_gracedb -> Grab_create_skymap Create_new_event_in_gracedb -> Grab_create_skymap Create_new_event_in_gracedb -> Launch_detchar_tasks }

IGWN Alert Handling

digraph exttrig { compound = true nodesep = 0.1 ranksep = 0.1 node [ fillcolor = white shape = box style = filled target = "_top" ] graph [ labeljust = "left" style = filled target = "_top" ] GRB_External_Trigger_or_Superevent_IGWN_Alert [ style="rounded" label="GRB external trigger or\nSuperevent IGWN Alert received" ] subgraph cluster_grb_igwn_alert_handle { href = "../gwcelery.tasks.external_triggers.html#gwcelery.tasks.external_triggers.handle_grb_igwn_alert" label = <<B><FONT face="monospace">handle_grb_igwn_alert</FONT></B>> Is_New_IGWN_Alert [ shape=diamond label="Is there\na new superevent or\nexternal event?" ] Is_Label_Exttrig_IGWN_Alert [ shape=diamond label="Is there a new label\nin the external event?" ] Are_Labels_Exttrig_Complete [ shape=diamond label=" Does this label\ncomplete a set indicating\nboth sky maps are available?" ] Is_File_Exttrig_IGWN_Alert [ shape=diamond label="Is there a new file\n in the external event,\nupdating a sky map?" ] Perform_Raven_Search [ label="Perform Raven\ncoincidence search(es)" ] Does_Label_Launch_Pipeline [ shape=diamond label="Are the labels a\ncomplete set, indicating a\ncoincidence and both sky maps\nare available?" ] Launch_Raven_Pipeline [ label="Relaunch Raven\nPipeline" ] Create_Combined_Skymap [ label="Create combined GW-GRB\nsky map" ] } GRB_External_Trigger_or_Superevent_IGWN_Alert -> Is_New_IGWN_Alert [ lhead = cluster_grb_igwn_alert_handle ] Is_New_IGWN_Alert -> Perform_Raven_Search[label="yes"] Is_New_IGWN_Alert -> Is_Label_Exttrig_IGWN_Alert[label="no"] Is_Label_Exttrig_IGWN_Alert -> Are_Labels_Exttrig_Complete[label="yes"] Are_Labels_Exttrig_Complete -> Launch_Raven_Pipeline[label="yes"] Is_Label_Exttrig_IGWN_Alert -> Is_File_Exttrig_IGWN_Alert[label="no"] Is_File_Exttrig_IGWN_Alert -> Does_Label_Launch_Pipeline[label="yes"] Does_Label_Launch_Pipeline -> Launch_Raven_Pipeline[label="yes"] Launch_Raven_Pipeline -> Create_Combined_Skymap }

digraph exttrig { compound = true nodesep = 0.1 ranksep = 0.1 node [ fillcolor = white shape = box style = filled target = "_top" ] graph [ labeljust = "left" style = filled target = "_top" ] SNEWS_External_Trigger_or_Superevent_IGWN_Alert [ style="rounded" label="SNEWS external trigger or\nSuperevent IGWN Alert received" ] subgraph cluster_snews_igwn_alert_handle { href = "../gwcelery.tasks.external_triggers.html#gwcelery.tasks.external_triggers.handle_snews_igwn_alert" label = <<B><FONT face="monospace">handle_snews_igwn_alert</FONT></B>> ignore [ label="Ignore" ] is_new_exttrig_igwn_alert [ shape=diamond label="Is this a new type SNEWS\nexternal trigger IGWN Alert?" ] is_new_superevent_igwn_alert [ shape=diamond label="Is this a new type\nsuperevent IGWN Alert?" ] perform_raven_search [ label="Perform Raven\ncoincidence search" ] } SNEWS_External_Trigger_or_Superevent_IGWN_Alert -> is_new_exttrig_igwn_alert [ lhead = cluster_snews_igwn_alert_handle ] is_new_exttrig_igwn_alert -> perform_raven_search[label="yes"] is_new_exttrig_igwn_alert -> is_new_superevent_igwn_alert[label="no"] is_new_superevent_igwn_alert -> perform_raven_search[label="yes"] is_new_superevent_igwn_alert -> ignore[label="no"] }


gwcelery.tasks.external_triggers.REQUIRED_LABELS_BY_TASK = {'SoG': {'ADVOK', 'RAVEN_ALERT', 'SKYMAP_READY'}, 'compare': {'EM_COINC', 'EM_READY', 'EXT_SKYMAP_READY'}}

These labels should be present on an external event to consider it to be ready for sky map comparison or for post-alert analysis, such as a measurment of the speed of gravity (SoG).

gwcelery.tasks.external_triggers.FERMI_GRB_CLASS_VALUE = 4

This is the index that denote GRBs within Fermi’s Flight Position classification.

gwcelery.tasks.external_triggers.FERMI_GRB_CLASS_THRESH = 50

This values denotes the threshold of the most likely Fermi source classification, above which we will consider a Fermi Flight Position notice.


Handles the GCN notice payload from SNEWS alerts.

Prepares the alert to be sent to graceDB as external events, updating the info if it already exists.


payload (str) – XML GCN notice alert packet in string format


Handles the payload from Fermi, Swift, and INTEGRAL GCN notices.

Filters out candidates likely to be noise. Creates external events from the notice if new notice, otherwise updates existing event. Then creates and/or grabs external sky map to be uploaded to the external event.

More info for these notices can be found at: Fermi-GBM: Fermi-GBM sub: Swift: INTEGRAL:


payload (str) – XML GCN notice alert packet in string format


Parse an IGWN alert message related to superevents/GRB external triggers and dispatch it to other tasks.


This IGWN alert message handler is triggered by creating a new superevent or GRB external trigger event, a label associated with completeness of skymaps or change in state, or if a sky map file is uploaded:

  • New event/superevent triggers a coincidence search with gwcelery.tasks.raven.coincidence_search().

  • If other type of IGWN alert, pass to _handle_skymaps to decide whether to re-run RAVEN pipeline based on labels or whether to add labels that could start this process.


alert (dict) – IGWN alert packet


Parse an IGWN alert message related to superevents/Supernovae external triggers and dispatch it to other tasks.


This igwn_alert message handler is triggered whenever a new superevent or Supernovae external event is created:


alert (dict) – IGWN alert packet


Parse an alert sent via Kafka from a MOU partner in our joint subthreshold targeted search.


alert (dict) – Kafka alert packet


Launch detchar tasks for an external event.


event (dict) – External event dictionary


event – External event dictionary

Return type:


(task)gwcelery.tasks.external_triggers._create_replace_external_event_and_skymap(events, payload, search, pipeline, label=None, ext_group='External', notice_date=None, notice_type=None, skymap=None, skymap_link=None, use_radec=False)[source]

Either create a new external event or replace an old one if applicable Then either uploads a given sky map, try to download one given a link, or create one given coordinates.

  • events (list) – List of external events sharing the same trigger ID

  • payload (str) – VOEvent of event being considered

  • search (str) – Search of external event

  • pipeline (str) – Pipeline of external evevent

  • label (list) – Label to be uploaded along with external event. If None, removes ‘NOT_GRB’ label from event

  • ext_group (str) – Group of external event, ‘External’ or ‘Test’

  • notice_date (str) – External event trigger time in ISO format

  • notice_type (int) – GCN notice type integer

  • skymap (str) – Base64 encoded sky map

  • skymap_link (str) – Link to external sky map to be downloaded

  • use_radec (bool) – If True, try to create sky map using given coordinates