Source code for gwcelery.tasks.em_bright

"""Qualitative source properties for CBC events."""
import io
import json
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from ligo import computeDiskMass, em_bright

from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger

from ..import app
from . import gracedb, lvalert
from .p_astro import _format_prob
from ..util import NamedTemporaryFile, PromiseProxy, resource_pickle

NS_CLASSIFIER = PromiseProxy(
    resource_pickle, ('', 'knn_ns_classifier.pkl'))
EM_CLASSIFIER = PromiseProxy(
    resource_pickle, ('', 'knn_em_classifier.pkl'))

log = get_task_logger(__name__)

[docs]@lvalert.handler('superevent', 'mdc_superevent', shared=False) def handle(alert): """LVAlert handler to plot and upload a visualization of every ``em_bright.json``. """ filename = 'em_bright.json' graceid = alert['uid'] if alert['alert_type'] == 'log' and alert['data']['filename'] == filename: (, graceid) | plot.s() | gracedb.upload.s( filename.replace('.json', '.png'), graceid, message=( 'Source properties visualization from ' '<a href="/api/superevents/{graceid}/files/{filename}">' '{filename}</a>').format( graceid=graceid, filename=filename), tags=['em_follow', 'em_bright', 'public'] ) ).delay()
[docs]@app.task(shared=False) def plot(contents): """Make a visualization of the source properties. Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from gwcelery.tasks import em_bright >>> contents = '{"HasNS": 0.9137, "HasRemnant": 0.0}' >>> em_bright.plot(contents) """ properties = json.loads(contents) outfile = io.BytesIO() properties = dict(sorted(properties.items(), reverse=True)) probs, names = list(properties.values()), list(properties.keys()) with'seaborn-white'): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 1)) ax.barh(names, probs) ax.barh(names, [1.0 - p for p in probs], color='lightgray', left=probs) for i, prob in enumerate(probs): ax.annotate(_format_prob(prob), (0, i), (4, 0), textcoords='offset points', ha='left', va='center') ax.set_xlim(0, 1) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.tick_params(left=False) for side in ['top', 'bottom', 'right']: ax.spines[side].set_visible(False) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(outfile, format='png') return outfile.getvalue()
[docs]@app.task(shared=False) def em_bright_posterior_samples(posterior_file_content): """Returns the probability of having a NS component and remnant using LALInference posterior samples. Parameters ---------- posterior_file_content : hdf5 posterior file content Returns ------- str JSON formatted string storing ``HasNS`` and ``HasRemnant`` probabilities Examples -------- >>> em_bright_posterior_samples(GraceDb().files('S190930s', ... 'LALInference.posterior_samples.hdf5').read()) {"HasNS": 0.014904901243599122, "HasRemnant": 0.0} """ with NamedTemporaryFile(content=posterior_file_content) as samplefile: filename = has_ns, has_remnant = em_bright.source_classification_pe(filename) data = json.dumps({ 'HasNS': has_ns, 'HasRemnant': has_remnant }) return data
def _em_bright(m1, m2, c1, c2, threshold=3.0): """This is the place-holder function for the source classfication pipeline. This placeholder code will only act upon the mass2 point estimate value and classify the systems as whether they have a neutron or not. """ disk_mass = computeDiskMass.computeDiskMass(m1, m2, c1, c2) p_ns = 1.0 if m2 <= threshold else 0.0 p_emb = 1.0 if disk_mass > 0.0 or m1 < threshold else 0.0 return p_ns, p_emb
[docs]@app.task(shared=False) def classifier_other(mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z, snr): """Returns the boolean probability of having a NS component and the probability of having non-zero disk mass. This method is used for pipelines that do not provide the data products necessary for computation of the source properties probabilities. Parameters ---------- mass1 : float Primary mass in solar masses mass2 : float Secondary mass in solar masses spin1z : float Dimensionless primary aligned spin component spin2z : float Dimensionless secondary aligned spin component snr : float Signal to noise ratio Returns ------- str JSON formatted string storing ``HasNS`` and ``HasRemnant`` probabilities Examples -------- >>> em_bright.classifier_other(2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.) '{"HasNS": 1.0, "HasRemnant": 1.0}' """ p_ns, p_em = _em_bright(mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z) data = json.dumps({ 'HasNS': p_ns, 'HasRemnant': p_em }) return data
[docs]@app.task(shared=False) def classifier_gstlal(mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z, snr): """Returns the probability of having a NS component and the probability of having non-zero disk mass in the detected event. This method will be using the data products obtained from the weekly supervised learning runs for injections campaigns. The data products are in pickle formatted RandomForestClassifier objects. The method predict_proba of these objects provides us the probabilities of the coalesence being EM-Bright and existence of neutron star in the binary. Parameters ---------- mass1 : float Primary mass in solar masses mass2 : float Secondary mass in solar masses spin1z : float Dimensionless primary aligned spin component spin2z : float Dimensionless secondary aligned spin component snr : float Signal to noise ratio Returns ------- str JSON formatted string storing ``HasNS`` and ``HasRemnant`` probabilities Examples -------- >>> em_bright.classifier_gstlal(2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.) '{"HasNS": 1.0, "HasRemnant": 1.0}' """ p_ns, p_em = em_bright.source_classification( mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z, snr, ns_classifier=NS_CLASSIFIER, emb_classifier=EM_CLASSIFIER) data = json.dumps({ 'HasNS': p_ns, 'HasRemnant': p_em }) return data