Source code for gwcelery.tasks.inference

"""Source Parameter Estimation with LALInference and Bilby."""
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
from distutils.dir_util import mkpath
import glob
import itertools
import json
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
import urllib

from celery import group
from gwdatafind import find_urls
import numpy as np
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError

from .. import app
from ..jinja import env
from .core import ordered_group
from . import condor
from . import gracedb

ini_name = 'online_lalinference_pe.ini'

executables = {'datafind': 'gw_data_find',
               'mergeNSscript': 'lalinference_nest2pos',
               'mergeMCMCscript': 'cbcBayesMCMC2pos',
               'combinePTMCMCh5script': 'cbcBayesCombinePTMCMCh5s',
               'resultspage': 'cbcBayesPostProc',
               'segfind': 'ligolw_segment_query',
               'ligolw_print': 'ligolw_print',
               'coherencetest': 'lalinference_coherence_test',
               'lalinferencenest': 'lalinference_nest',
               'lalinferencemcmc': 'lalinference_mcmc',
               'lalinferencebambi': 'lalinference_bambi',
               'lalinferencedatadump': 'lalinference_datadump',
               'ligo-skymap-from-samples': 'true',
               'ligo-skymap-plot': 'true',
               'processareas': 'process_areas',
               'computeroqweights': 'lalinference_compute_roq_weights',
               'mpiwrapper': 'lalinference_mpi_wrapper',
               'gracedb': 'gracedb',
               'ppanalysis': 'cbcBayesPPAnalysis',
               'pos_to_sim_inspiral': 'cbcBayesPosToSimInspiral',
               'bayeswave': 'BayesWave',
               'bayeswavepost': 'BayesWavePost'}

def _data_exists(end, frametype_dict):
    """Check whether data at end time can be found with gwdatafind and return
    true it it is found.
    return min(
            find_urls(ifo[0], frametype_dict[ifo], end, end + 1)
        ) for ifo in frametype_dict.keys()
    ) > 0

[docs]class NotEnoughData(Exception): """Raised if found data is not enough due to the latency of data transfer """
[docs]@app.task(bind=True, autoretry_for=(NotEnoughData, ), default_retry_delay=1, max_retries=86400, retry_backoff=True, shared=False) def query_data(self, trigtime): """Continues to query data until it is found with gwdatafind and return frametypes for the data. If data is not found in 86400 seconds = 1 day, raise NotEnoughData. """ end = trigtime + 2 if _data_exists(end, app.conf['low_latency_frame_types']): return app.conf['low_latency_frame_types'] elif _data_exists(end, app.conf['high_latency_frame_types']): return app.conf['high_latency_frame_types'] else: raise NotEnoughData
[docs]@app.task(ignore_result=True, shared=False) def upload_no_frame_files(request, exc, traceback, superevent_id): """Upload notification when no frame files are found. Parameters ---------- request : Context (placeholder) Task request variables exc : Exception Exception rased by condor.submit traceback : str (placeholder) Traceback message from a task superevent_id : str The GraceDB ID of a target superevent """ if isinstance(exc, NotEnoughData): gracedb.upload.delay( filecontents=None, filename=None, graceid=superevent_id, message='Frame files have not been found.', tags='pe' )
def _find_appropriate_cal_env(trigtime, dir_name): """Return the path to the calibration uncertainties estimated at the time before and closest to the trigger time. If there are no calibration uncertainties estimated before the trigger time, return the oldest one. The gpstimes at which the calibration uncertainties were estimated and the names of the files containing the uncertaintes are saved in [HLV]_CalEnvs.txt. Parameters ---------- trigtime : float The trigger time of a target event dir_name : str The path to the directory where files containing calibration uncertainties exist Return ------ path : str The path to the calibration uncertainties appropriate for a target event """ filename, = glob.glob(os.path.join(dir_name, '[HLV]_CalEnvs.txt')) calibration_index = np.atleast_1d( np.recfromtxt(filename, names=['gpstime', 'filename']) ) gpstimes = calibration_index['gpstime'] candidate_gpstimes = gpstimes < trigtime if np.any(candidate_gpstimes): idx = np.argmax(gpstimes * candidate_gpstimes) appropriate_cal = calibration_index['filename'][idx] else: appropriate_cal = calibration_index['filename'][np.argmin(gpstimes)] return os.path.join(dir_name, appropriate_cal.decode('utf-8'))
[docs]@app.task(shared=False) def prepare_ini(frametype_dict, event, superevent_id=None): """Determine an appropriate PE settings for the target event and return ini file content for LALInference pipeline """ # Get template of .ini file ini_template = env.get_template('online_pe.jinja2') # fill out the ini template and return the resultant content singleinspiraltable = event['extra_attributes']['SingleInspiral'] trigtime = event['gpstime'] ini_settings = { 'gracedb_host': app.conf['gracedb_host'], 'types': frametype_dict, 'channels': app.conf['strain_channel_names'], 'state_vector_channels': app.conf['state_vector_channel_names'], 'webdir': os.path.join( app.conf['pe_results_path'], event['graceid'], 'lalinference' ), 'paths': [{'name': name, 'path': find_executable(executable)} for name, executable in executables.items()], 'h1_calibration': _find_appropriate_cal_env( trigtime, '/home/cbc/pe/O3/calibrationenvelopes/LIGO_Hanford' ), 'l1_calibration': _find_appropriate_cal_env( trigtime, '/home/cbc/pe/O3/calibrationenvelopes/LIGO_Livingston' ), 'v1_calibration': _find_appropriate_cal_env( trigtime, '/home/cbc/pe/O3/calibrationenvelopes/Virgo' ), 'mc': min([sngl['mchirp'] for sngl in singleinspiraltable]), 'q': min([sngl['mass2'] / sngl['mass1'] for sngl in singleinspiraltable]), 'mpirun': find_executable('mpirun') } ini_rota = ini_template.render(ini_settings) ini_settings.update({'use_of_ini': 'online'}) ini_online = ini_template.render(ini_settings) # upload LALInference ini file to GraceDB if superevent_id is not None: gracedb.upload.delay( ini_rota, filename=ini_name, graceid=superevent_id, message=('Automatically generated LALInference configuration file' ' for this event.'), tags='pe') return ini_online
[docs]def pre_pe_tasks(event, superevent_id): """Return canvas of tasks executed before parameter estimation starts""" return query_data.s(event['gpstime']).on_error( upload_no_frame_files.s(superevent_id) ) | prepare_ini.s(event, superevent_id)
[docs]@app.task(shared=False) def _setup_dag_for_lalinference(coinc_psd, ini_contents, rundir, superevent_id): """Create DAG for a lalinference run and return the path to DAG. Parameters ---------- coinc_psd : tuple of byte contents Tuple of the byte contents of ``coinc.xml`` and ``psd.xml.gz`` ini_contents : str The content of online_lalinference_pe.ini rundir : str The path to a run directory where the DAG file exits superevent_id : str The GraceDB ID of a target superevent Returns ------- path_to_dag : str The path to the .dag file """ coinc_contents, psd_contents = coinc_psd # write down coinc.xml in the run directory path_to_coinc = os.path.join(rundir, 'coinc.xml') with open(path_to_coinc, 'wb') as f: f.write(coinc_contents) # write down psd.xml.gz if psd_contents is not None: path_to_psd = os.path.join(rundir, 'psd.xml.gz') with open(path_to_psd, 'wb') as f: f.write(psd_contents) psd_arg = ['--psd', path_to_psd] else: psd_arg = [] # write down .ini file in the run directory. path_to_ini = os.path.join(rundir, ini_name) with open(path_to_ini, 'w') as f: f.write(ini_contents) try: ['lalinference_pipe', '--run-path', rundir, '--coinc', path_to_coinc, path_to_ini] + psd_arg, capture_output=True, check=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: contents = b'args:\n' + json.dumps(e.args[1]).encode('utf-8') + \ b'\n\nstdout:\n' + e.stdout + b'\n\nstderr:\n' + e.stderr gracedb.upload.delay( filecontents=contents, filename='pe_dag.log', graceid=superevent_id, message='Failed to prepare DAG for lalinference', tags='pe' ) shutil.rmtree(rundir) raise else: # Remove the ini file so that people do not accidentally use this ini # file and hence online-PE-only nodes. os.remove(path_to_ini) return os.path.join(rundir, 'multidag.dag')
[docs]@app.task(shared=False) def _setup_dag_for_bilby(event, rundir, preferred_event_id, superevent_id): """Create DAG for a bilby run and return the path to DAG. Parameters ---------- event : json contents The json contents retrieved from gracedb.get_event() rundir : str The path to a run directory where the DAG file exits preferred_event_id : str The GraceDB ID of a target preferred event superevent_id : str The GraceDB ID of a target superevent Returns ------- path_to_dag : str The path to the .dag file """ path_to_json = os.path.join(rundir, 'event.json') with open(path_to_json, 'w') as f: json.dump(event, f, indent=2) path_to_webdir = os.path.join( app.conf['pe_results_path'], preferred_event_id, 'bilby' ) setup_arg = ['bilby_pipe_gracedb', '--webdir', path_to_webdir, '--outdir', rundir, '--json', path_to_json, '--online-pe', '--convert-to-flat-in-component-mass'] if not app.conf['gracedb_host'] == '': setup_arg += ['--channel-dict', 'o2replay', '--sampler-kwargs', 'FastTest'] try:, capture_output=True, check=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: contents = b'args:\n' + json.dumps(e.args[1]).encode('utf-8') + \ b'\n\nstdout:\n' + e.stdout + b'\n\nstderr:\n' + e.stderr gracedb.upload.delay( filecontents=contents, filename='pe_dag.log', graceid=superevent_id, message='Failed to prepare DAG for bilby', tags='pe' ) shutil.rmtree(rundir) raise else: # Uploads bilby ini file to GraceDB group(upload_results_tasks( rundir, 'bilby_config.ini', superevent_id, 'Automatically generated Bilby configuration file', 'pe', 'online_bilby_pe.ini')).delay() path_to_dag, = glob.glob(os.path.join(rundir, 'submit/dag*.submit')) print(path_to_dag) return path_to_dag
[docs]@app.task(shared=False) def _condor_no_submit(path_to_dag): """Run 'condor_submit_dag -no_submit' and return the path to .sub file."""['condor_submit_dag', '-no_submit', path_to_dag], capture_output=True, check=True) return '{}.condor.sub'.format(path_to_dag)
[docs]@app.task(shared=False) def dag_prepare_task(rundir, superevent_id, preferred_event_id, pe_pipeline, ini_contents=None): """Return a canvas of tasks to prepare DAG. Parameters ---------- rundir : str The path to a run directory where the DAG file exits superevent_id : str The GraceDB ID of a target superevent preferred_event_id : str The GraceDB ID of a target preferred event pe_pipeline : str The parameter estimation pipeline used Either 'lalinference' OR 'bilby' ini_contents : str The content of online_lalinference_pe.ini Required if pe_pipeline == 'lalinference' Returns ------- canvas : canvas of tasks The canvas of tasks to prepare DAG """ if pe_pipeline == 'lalinference': canvas = ordered_group('coinc.xml', preferred_event_id), ) | _setup_dag_for_lalinference.s(ini_contents, rundir, superevent_id) elif pe_pipeline == 'bilby': canvas = | \ _setup_dag_for_bilby.s(rundir, preferred_event_id, superevent_id) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Unknown PE pipeline {pe_pipeline}.') canvas |= _condor_no_submit.s() return canvas
def _find_paths_from_name(directory, name): """Return the paths of files or directories with given name under the specfied directory Parameters ---------- directory : string Name of directory under which the target file or directory is searched for. name : string Name of target files or directories Returns ------- paths : generator Paths to the target files or directories """ return glob.iglob(os.path.join(directory, '**', name), recursive=True)
[docs]@app.task(ignore_result=True, shared=False) def job_error_notification(request, exc, traceback, superevent_id, rundir, pe_pipeline): """Upload notification when condor.submit terminates unexpectedly. Parameters ---------- request : Context (placeholder) Task request variables exc : Exception Exception rased by condor.submit traceback : str (placeholder) Traceback message from a task superevent_id : str The GraceDB ID of a target superevent rundir : str The run directory for PE pe_pipeline : str The parameter estimation pipeline used Either lalinference OR bilby """ if isinstance(exc, condor.JobAborted): gracedb.upload.delay( filecontents=None, filename=None, graceid=superevent_id, tags='pe', message='The {} condor job was aborted.'.format(pe_pipeline) ) elif isinstance(exc, condor.JobFailed): gracedb.upload.delay( filecontents=None, filename=None, graceid=superevent_id, tags='pe', message='The {} condor job failed.'.format(pe_pipeline) ) # Get paths to .log files, .err files, .out files paths_to_log = _find_paths_from_name(rundir, '*.log') paths_to_err = _find_paths_from_name(rundir, '*.err') paths_to_out = _find_paths_from_name(rundir, '*.out') # Upload .log and .err files for path in itertools.chain(paths_to_log, paths_to_err, paths_to_out): with open(path, 'rb') as f: contents = if contents: # put .log suffix in log file names so that users can directly # read the contents instead of downloading them when they click # file names gracedb.upload.delay( filecontents=contents, filename=os.path.basename(path) + '.log', graceid=superevent_id, message='A log file for {} condor job.'.format(pe_pipeline), tags='pe' )
[docs]@app.task(ignore_result=True, shared=False) def _upload_url(pe_results_path, graceid, pe_pipeline): """Upload url of a page containing all of the plots.""" if pe_pipeline == 'lalinference': path_to_posplots, = _find_paths_from_name( pe_results_path, 'posplots.html' ) elif pe_pipeline == 'bilby': path_to_posplots, = _find_paths_from_name( pe_results_path, 'home.html' ) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Unknown PE pipeline {pe_pipeline}.') baseurl = urllib.parse.urljoin( app.conf['pe_results_url'], os.path.relpath( path_to_posplots, app.conf['pe_results_path'] ) ) gracedb.upload.delay( filecontents=None, filename=None, graceid=graceid, message=('Online {} parameter estimation finished.' '<a href={}>results</a>').format(pe_pipeline, baseurl), tags='pe' )
[docs]def upload_results_tasks(pe_results_path, filename, graceid, message, tag, uploaded_filename=None): """Return tasks to get the contents of PE result files and upload them to GraceDB. Parameters ---------- pe_results_path : string Directory under which the target file located. filename : string Name of the target file graceid : string GraceDB ID message : string Message uploaded to GraceDB tag : str Name of tag to add the GraceDB log uploaded_filename : str Name of the uploaded file. If not supplied, it is the same as the original file name. Returns ------- tasks : list of celery tasks """ tasks = [] for path in _find_paths_from_name(pe_results_path, filename): if uploaded_filename is None: _uploaded_filename = os.path.basename(path) else: _uploaded_filename = uploaded_filename with open(path, 'rb') as f: tasks.append(, _uploaded_filename, graceid, message, tag)) return tasks
[docs]@app.task(ignore_result=True, shared=False) def clean_up(rundir): """Clean up a run directory. Parameters ---------- rundir : str The path to a run directory where the DAG file exits """ shutil.rmtree(rundir)
[docs]@app.task(ignore_result=True, shared=False) def dag_finished(rundir, preferred_event_id, superevent_id, pe_pipeline): """Upload PE results and clean up run directory Parameters ---------- rundir : str The path to a run directory where the DAG file exits preferred_event_id : str The GraceDB ID of a target preferred event superevent_id : str The GraceDB ID of a target superevent pe_pipeline : str The parameter estimation pipeline used Either lalinference OR bilby Returns ------- tasks : canvas The work-flow for uploading PE results """ pe_results_path = os.path.join( app.conf['pe_results_path'], preferred_event_id, pe_pipeline ) if pe_pipeline == 'lalinference': uploads = [ (rundir, 'glitch_median_PSD_forLI_*.dat', 'Bayeswave PSD used for LALInference PE', None), (rundir, 'lalinference*.dag', 'LALInference DAG', None), (rundir, 'posterior*.hdf5', 'LALInference posterior samples', 'LALInference.posterior_samples.hdf5'), (pe_results_path, 'extrinsic.png', 'LALInference corner plot for extrinsic parameters', 'LALInference.extrinsic.png'), (pe_results_path, 'sourceFrame.png', 'LALInference corner plot for source frame parameters', 'LALInference.intrinsic.png') ] elif pe_pipeline == 'bilby': resultdir = os.path.join(rundir, 'result') uploads = [ (resultdir, '*merge_result.json', 'Bilby posterior samples', 'Bilby.posterior_samples.json'), (resultdir, '*_extrinsic_corner.png', 'Bilby corner plot for extrinsic parameters', 'Bilby.extrinsic.png'), (resultdir, '*_intrinsic_corner.png', 'Bilby corner plot for intrinsic parameters', 'Bilby.intrinsic.png') ] else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Unknown PE pipeline {pe_pipeline}.') upload_tasks = [] for dir, name1, comment, name2 in uploads: upload_tasks += upload_results_tasks( dir, name1, superevent_id, comment, 'pe', name2) # FIXME: has to be out of group for # to run (, superevent_id, pe_pipeline) | group(upload_tasks) | ).delay() if pe_pipeline == 'lalinference': gracedb.create_label.delay('PE_READY', superevent_id)
[docs]@gracedb.task(shared=False) def _download_psd(gid): """Download ``psd.xml.gz`` and return its content. If that file does not exist, return None. """ try: return"psd.xml.gz", gid) except HTTPError: return None
[docs]@app.task(ignore_result=True, shared=False) def start_pe(ini_contents, preferred_event_id, superevent_id, pe_pipeline): """Run Parameter Estimation on a given event. Parameters ---------- ini_contents : str The content of online_lalinference_pe.ini preferred_event_id : str The GraceDB ID of a target preferred event superevent_id : str The GraceDB ID of a target superevent pe_pipeline : str The parameter estimation pipeline used lalinference OR bilby """ gracedb.upload.delay( filecontents=None, filename=None, graceid=superevent_id, message=('Starting {} online parameter estimation ' 'for {}').format(pe_pipeline, preferred_event_id), tags='pe' ) # make a run directory pipeline_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.cache/{}'.format(pe_pipeline)) mkpath(pipeline_dir) rundir = tempfile.mkdtemp( dir=pipeline_dir, prefix='{}_'.format(superevent_id) ) # give permissions to read the files under the run directory so that PE # ROTA people can check the status of parameter estimation. os.chmod(rundir, 0o755) canvas = ( dag_prepare_task( rundir, superevent_id, preferred_event_id, pe_pipeline, ini_contents ) | condor.submit.s().on_error( job_error_notification.s(superevent_id, rundir, pe_pipeline) ) | rundir, preferred_event_id, superevent_id, pe_pipeline ) ) canvas.delay()